[ASSIST News Service] World Christian Doctors 'vote for miracles' during unique conference in Kiev
Manmin News
9072 |
November 12, 2009 |
One doctor from Australia shares how she 'came back from the dead'
KIEV, UKRAINE (ANS) -- At the same time that Ukrainian candidates are battling each other for votes in the upcoming Presidential election, Christian doctors gathering in Kiev, the country's capital for a "Spirituality and Medicine" conference, have already cast their vote -- for "miracles."
Manmin worship team
Some 400 doctors and medical professionals were in Kiev from 30 different countries for the 6th International Christian Medical Conference held on October 30-31, 2009, to explore whether miracles still happen today and, if they do, to provide medical data to prove them.
Organized by the World Christian Doctors Network, this "Spirituality and Medicine" conference attracted doctors and medical professional from countries as diverse as Nigeria, Uganda and Democratic Republic of Congo to all over the former Soviet Union and even the tiny Faroe Islands, who all believe in praying for their sick patients – with their permission of course.
But they also believe that miracles should be provable and so several of them brought their medical data which was printed out in a book and also shown on a screen and then took questions from their peers.
On the opening day, delegates were shocked when Dr. Irene Jacovou, an MD from Brisbane, Australia, had presented medical evidence for the healing from skin cancer of a 64-year-old retired school teacher and principal and was then asked a pointed question by another doctor in the audience.
"Have you personally experience healing in your own life?" she was asked.
The Australian MD revealed three miracles she had experienced. She said she had been healed from two forms of cancer, including breast cancer, and then she dropped a bombshell. "I collapsed one day and suffered cardiac arrest and was 'dead' for 45 minutes," she said. "A miracle occurred and I was brought back to life and after a short time I was back at work with no damage whatsoever to my brain and I was able to work again as a doctor."
Dr. Irene Jacovou
Delegates to the conference, 60 percent of whom came from Ukraine, were welcomed by Dr. Yoon-Seok Chae, a surgeon from Seoul, South Korea, who is also president of the World Christian Doctors Network (WCDN).
"The same miracles, signs and wondered performed 2,000 years ago are still taking place even today," he asserted in his talk.
He went on to say, "The World Christian Doctors Network was organized to medically analyze divine healing cases performed by God, clarify the data before and after the healing and testify with those data that God is alive and the Bible is authentic, and therefore to awaken not only unbelievers but intellectual people including medical doctors and scientists as well."
The keynote speaker on the opening day was Rev. Dr. Vitaliy Fishberg, a doctor from the Republic of Moldova, a landlocked country in Eastern Europe, located between Romania to the west and Ukraine to the north, east and south, who now practices in New York City who spoke on the topic, "Spiritual Secrets of Divine Healing."
Dr. Fishberg said, "Despite the advancement of medicine many people are still suffering from diseases. And there are so many incurable and fatal diseases. Even unknown diseases are rampant.
"But there is one way where every kind of disease can be healed…that is when you meet the Almighty God. He can heal any kind of diseases that cannot be cured with science and medicines."
Doctors worshiping the Lord in freedom
One surprising part of the two-day gathering, was the fact that the doctors felt totally free to worship God in freedom and hold their hands in the air and clap along to the talented Manmin worship group from Seoul, Korea, led by Decon Ronya Son, who performed and sang in several different languages.
Another big surprise came at the end of the first day when a time of prayer for the healing of sick doctors was conducted by Dr. Fishberg and Ukrainian-born Dr. Mikhail Morgulis, chairman of Spiritual Diplomacy.
Many were prayed for and are expected to share with others about their own personal miracle.
The conference ends on Saturday, October 31, 2009 and delegates were told that next year's conference is schedule for Rome in Italy.