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Campfire worship praise at Manmin Summer Retreat 2024
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Campfire worship praise at Manmin Summer Retreat 2024 ...

[A Variety of News] Prayer Meeting for Parents with Children taking the College Scholastic Ability Test

Manmin News   No. 160
November 22, 2009

Prayer Meeting for Parents with Children taking the College Scholastic Ability Test

On November 12 was the College Scholastic Ability Test for the year 2010 in Korea. The prayer meeting for the parents of applicants was held from 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. (one hour lunch time not included) in the fourth sanctuary led by Pastor Timothy Kim (President of the Students' Sunday School).

Manmin's Young Men Participate in "Literary Mission Day"

The Young Adults' Mission participating in street evangelism on "Literary Mission Day"

Young men and women from five missions (Young Adults, College, Canaan, Paul's, and Mary's) are participating in "Literary Mission Day". Except for Mary's Mission, which holds their own activities, all the other mission groups set a specific day once a month and work hard for the salvation of souls by distributing Manmin News containing the word of life and abundant testimonies. Bro. Sangrae Kwon says "Ever since we started this event, the members have united as one, and as the fruit, God has been sending us a stream of newcomers, so we are experiencing revival." More positive participation is expected from the young members at Manmin.

Registration & Management Office Move To New Space

The Registration & Management Office moved from the basement floor of the main sanctuary to the office next to the Information Office. The phone number of the office remains the same (82-2-818-7090~8). The Registration & Management Office is in charge of serving newcomers, holding the 5-week-education program for newcomers, and the Holy Spirit Prayer Meetings, as well as managing church member' registration.




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee