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[Brief News] Formation of the Public Servants' Mission, The 2nd Anniversary Service of Calgary Manmin ETC..

Manmin News   No. 162
December 6, 2009

Formation of the Public Servants' Mission - Elder Hongki Park Appointed President

1. Elder Hongki Park
2. Senior Deaconess Boksoon Choi

The Public Servants' Mission (Guidance Pastor: Pastor Miyoung Lee) was newly formed on November 22. At the general assembly held on the same day after Sunday morning service, Elder Hongki Park was appointed President, and Senior Deaconess Boksoon Choi as Vice President. This Mission will be working for the evangelism of public servants and provide church members with administrative help and service. The Mission is composed of members who are former and current public servants and those who had worked in public institutions. The Mission establishment service is scheduled to be offered in early 2010.

The 2nd Anniversary Service of Calgary Manmin

ChurchOn November 22, Calgary Manmin Church (Pastor Caleb Choonho Kim) of Canada offered its 2nd anniversary service. Pastor Heesun Lee preached the message title "Good Wisdom" based on the Scripture James 3:17-18. The second half of the service was a celebration event. Pastor Andrew Kim led praise and the the praise team and Sunday school children of Calgary Manmin Church glorified God with special songs. The inauguration service of Pastor Caleb Kim and Elder Hyung-kyu Lee was also offered on this day.

Mission Trip to Oceania

Beginning on November 13, Pastor Peter Bae (Manila Manmin Church, the Philippines) has been on a mission trip to 7 countries in the state of Oceania (Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Samoa, Vanuatu, Tonga). Pastor Bae is will be returning on December 9 after finishing negotiations for establishing branch and associate churches, making preparations for literary missions, and completing cable broadcasting agreements.

Mission Trip to Penang Manmin Church in Malaysia for the Hearing-Impaired

Pastor Junghoon Ji, Vice Guidance Pastor of the Hearing-Impaired Mission is on a mission trip to Malaysia to visit the members of Penang Manmin Church. The mission trip is scheduled from October 12, 2009 to April, 2010. Penang Manmin Church is the first overseas branch church for the hearing-impaired.




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee