[News Brief] Handkerchief Meeting in Kenya's Ongata Rongai Region, Spirited Publication and Distribution of Dr. Jaerock Lee's Translated Works ...
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March 28, 2010 |
Handkerchief Meeting in Kenya's Ongata Rongai Region
Bishop Dr. Myongho Cheong, Chairman of the United Holiness Church of Jesus Christ – Africa, and Senior Pastor at Nairobi Manmin Holiness Church, conducted the handkerchief meeting in the Ongata Rongai region of Kenya February 27-28, 2010. More than 7,000 people attended and when Bishop Dr. Cheong proclaimed messages titled "Why is Jesus Our Only Savoir?" and "Let Down Your Nets in the Deep Water," countless people accepted the Lord. When he prayed with the handkerchief of God's power, the blind began to see, the deaf began to hear, and those who had been mute since birth began to speak.
Spirited Publication and Distribution of Dr. Jaerock Lee's Translated Works
Publication and distribution of Dr. Jaerock Lee's published works are in full gear in all corners of the globe. The Ukrainian edition of Dr. Lee's autobiography My Life, My Faith, Volume I, was published by Baruch Publishing on March 10, 2010. On the same day, ECCAD, a Christian bookstore based in the United Arab Emirates, began selling Dr. Lee's published works translated into multiple languages. Malaysia's Manmin Publishing House is scheduled to publish the English edition of The Law of God before long.
Guidelines for Disposal of Sacred Items
On March 14, 2010, Manmin Central Church issued a set of guidelines to handle or dispose of a variety of sacred items and other articles that had been in use at the Church and in sanctuaries. As God's sacred items have been used for God's kingdom, they are not to be discarded at will or used for personal reasons but must be handled or disposed of according to the guidelines set forth by the Church. Furnishings used for services, such as crosses, curtains, sitting cushions, as well as Bibles; handkerchiefs that have been prayed on; published works and photographs of the Senior Pastor; weekly bulletins; church calendars; and banners must be brought to locations designated by the Church and incinerated, sold, buried, or otherwise discarded. When the owner of the handkerchief of God's power passes away, the handkerchief may be buried along with the believer.
A clear rainbow appeared in the sky above Manmin Central Church for about half an hour, beginning at 8:45 a.m., on Monday, March 8, 2010