NRB President/CEO Dr. Frank Wright Visits Manmin TV and Manmin Central Church
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April 4, 2010 |

Dr. Frank Wright, Ph.D., President/CEO of NRB shared friendly talks with Dr. Jaerock Lee, Senior Pastor of Manmin Central Church at the Senior Pastor's Office.
The National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) is an international association of Christian communicators with more than 1500 member organizations, representing millions of viewers, listeners, and readers. Dr. Frank Wright, Ph.D., the President/CEO of the NRB, first met with Manmin TV at the 57th NRB Exposition in 2000. Upon the invitation of Manmin TV, he attended the '2006 New York Crusade' and the '2009 Israel United Crusade' conducted by Dr. Jaerock Lee. He was so touched by these two crusades that this year Dr. Wright paid a visit to Manmin Central Church and Manmin TV. On Sunday, March 21, 2010, Dr. Wright attended the Sunday Morning and Evening Services at Manmin Central Church. At the Sunday Evening Service he extended his greetings to the audience from the podium saying, "Do you realize how happy and proud you should be that you are leading a believing life under the leadership of such a great servant of God as Dr. Jaerock Lee? Through his vision of the world and spiritual leadership, the gospel of Jesus Christ is spreading to every corner of the globe. I pray that he will change the lives of many more people around the world and continue to glorify God and the Lord." Dr. Wright also visited Manmin TV and toured the production facilities. Dr. Wright remarked that of all the NRB members, Manmin TV produces some of the highest-quality and most creative programs, and that their efforts are an excellent example after which Christian broadcasters ought to be following. He also said that he was so happy to see the broadcast station firsthand. After the Sunday Morning Service, Dr. Wright also visited the Muan Sweet Water Aquarium in which some 120 different species of freshwater and seawater fish live side by side. He also visited the Broadcasting Center that live-broadcasts the worship services and various church-wide events with full HDTV technology. Later he spoke with Dr. Jaerock Lee in the Senior Pastor's Office. At the friendly conversation with Dr. Jaerock Lee, Dr. Wright said, "I was so touched to see you conduct the 2009 Israel United Crusade in Jerusalem, the heart of Israel and proclaim Jesus Christ is the Messiah." After the conversation Dr. Jaerock Lee prayed for Dr. Wright laying his hand on his knee, and urged him "to make every effort for the unity, growth and development of the world Christianity." Dr. Frank Wright, Ph.D., President/CEO of the National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) was ordained as elder in the McLean Presbyterian Church in Virginia, and received a Ph.D. in Finance from Florida Atlantic University. He served as founding executive director of the Center for Christian Statesmanship and he was on the executive staff of Coral Ridge Ministries. He served as the executive director of the Alliance for Responsible Growth, a nonprofit organization dedicated to educating local municipalities on the impact of pornography. He served on the board of Knox Theological Seminary, and was a founding board member of a Fort Lauderdale crisis pregnancy center. He has maintained a long-standing commitment to Evangelism Explosion, an international evangelism and personal discipleship-training ministry and he has had a 20-year association with the ministries of Dr. D. James Kennedy.