Chennai Manmin Church Conducts Baptism at Marina Beach, Pastoral Examination Conducted by the United Holiness Church of Jesus Christ ...
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April 18, 2010 |
Chennai Manmin Church Conducts Baptism at Marina Beach
With their family members on hand, Pastor Joseph Han (second from left) and newly baptized members of Chennai Manmin sing praises of gratitude to the Lord
Officiated by Pastor Joseph Han, monistering to Chennai Manmin Church in India, baptism took place during the Golden Beach Youth Camp at Marina Beach. Nine church members who were baptized learned the true significance of baptism from "The Course on Baptism," and prepared for the baptism through prayer and fasting.
Pastoral Examination Conducted by the United Holiness Church of Jesus Christ
"The 2010 Pastoral Examination" conducted by the United Holiness Church of Jesus Christ (Chairman, Dr. Jaerock Lee) took place in Lecture Hall #1 at the United Holiness Theological Seminary in Seoul at 9 a.m. on Friday, April 2, 2010. Fifteen candidates to be ordained as pastors partook in this year's exam, which covered "Commentaries on the Old Testament"; "The Five-fold Gospel"; "Liturgiology"; "Systematic Theology"; "History of the Church"; "Commentaries on the New Testament"; "Ministerial Theology"; "Homiletics," and "Dissertation." Those who passed the exam will be anointed as pastors in June 2010 in the Main Sanctuary at Manmin Central Church. On Thursday, April 1, "The Theological Seminary's Graduates and Elders Examination" took place at United Holiness Theological Seminary.
Founded: Cebu Manmin Mission Center in Philippines
Manmin Mission Center in Cebu, Philippines, has been established. Pastor Rosetta Sung, who had served at Cavite Manmin Church, led the Opening Service on Wednesday, April 7, 2010. She remarked, "Following the World Christian Doctors Network (WCDN) Conference held in the Philippines in June 2006, many Filipinos are aware of Manmin's mission work. We hope to vitalize exchanges with Manmin branch and associate churches throughout the Philippines, expand the territory of mission work by cooperating with local cable networks, and regularly hold handkerchief meetings."
Luncheon Prayer Meeting Hosted by The Christianity World Revival Mission Association
During the Passion Week, Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee attended a luncheon prayer meeting hosted by "The Christianity World Revival Mission Association" at Palace Hotel in Seoul on Tuesday, March 30, 2010.