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Crystal Forum Makes Spiritual Revival in Israel

Manmin News   No. 188
June 20, 2010

And Bears Abundant Fruits of 2009 Israel United Crusade by Holding Marriage Seminar and Children's Camp

Crystal Forum held '2010 Music Festival' at Haifa ICC on May 21, with 1,500 people in attendance, and at the stage decades of pastors prayed for believers and national evangelization

Israel is the birthplace of the gospel of the Lord, but they are still awaiting the coming of the Messiah. There are just a few Jewish Christians in Israel who believe in Jesus Christ as the Messiah; they are called messianic Jews. They have been discriminated and persecuted in many fields and Jewish pastors have a lot of difficulties in their ministry for Jesus Christ.
It was just the same in July of 2007 when Dr. Jaerock Lee started his 3-year ministry in Israel.
In the providence and will of God, Dr. Jaerock Lee visited Israel 12 times in 3 years, and traveled all the lands of Israel from the northern area to the southern area, including Galilee, Haifa, Nazareth, Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Ashdod, Ashkelon, Bethlehem, Beersheba, and Eilat, where he spread the holiness gospel and the power of God. His 3-year ministry in Israel bore the fruit of '2009 Israel United Crusade' held in International Convention Center in Jerusalem in September of 2009, and he proclaimed Jesus Christ as the Messiah and Savior at the crusade.
Since the 2009 Israel United Crusade took place in the Municipality of Jerusalem, there have been many spiritual changes in Israel. Israeli pastors have been actively fulfilling their ministries in unity and their churches accomplished revival by fiery works of the Holy Spirit. In the center of the revival and spiritual change is Crystal Forum, the Association of Israeli pastors.
Many pastors of Crystal Forum mutually visit their churches and share the messages with one another, and thereby give encouragements to each other. Through attending Marriage Seminar,' many couples have restored their happy marriage and accomplished family evangelization, while through attending Children's Camp,' many children returned to the Lord and now have grown in spirit. They are performing the 'Plan for the Next Generation' for youths, and are planning to build a rehabilitation center for the healing of those who have addiction to drugs and alcohols.
On May 21, '2010 Music Festival' took place at the Haifa International Convention Center under the auspices of Crystal Forum, and this praise festival brought 1,500 people from 30 churches all over the land of Israel including Haifa, Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Ashdod, Beersheba, Nazareth, El'ad, Beit Shan, Eilat, Rishon Le Zion, Hadera, and Revohot. Many pastors in attendance said, "This was the first and most successful gospel concert," and sent their gratitude to Dr. Jaerock Lee, saying, "Since Dr. Jaerock Lee has himself taught us and manifested wonders and signs in the name of the Lord, we Israeli pastors have become united and our churches accomplished revivals."
As of May of 2010, 38 pastors, not only Jewish pastors but also Arabian and Ethiopian pastors, have joined the Association of Crystal Forum and the number of the its members is on the rise.
In the coming September of 2010, they are scheduled to hold the 2010 International Multi-cultural Festival with Bishop Dr. Myongho Cheong, Chairperson of the United Holiness Church of Jesus Christ, Africa, in commemoration of the 2009 International Multi-cultural Festival with Dr. Jaerock Lee. Thus, it is expected that the love of Jesus Christ through His crucifixion will be engraved not only into the hearts of the Jews but the hearts of countless souls around the world by the fiery works of the Holy Spirit through the ministry of Crystal Forum.

Marriage Seminar and Children's Camp




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