2010 Special Seminar for Cell Leaders, Sub-district Leaders and District Leaders Was Held with the Theme
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July 18, 2010 |
"God Is Searching a Truthful Person!"
The 2010 Special Seminar for Cell Leaders, Sub-district Leaders and District Leaders brought about 3,700 workers of Manmin Central Church and its branch churches to Vivaldi Park, Hongcheon Daemyung Resort in the third stage of the history of the church.
From July 5 to 7, 2010 Special Seminar for Cell Leaders, Sub-district Leaders and District Leaders took place at the Daemyung Resort Vivaldi Park, located in Hongcheon Gun, Ganwon Province, Korea. Those leaders, who have tried their best to evangelize and make revivals at each parish, had the chance to renew their strength at the third stage of the takeoff of Manmin Central Church. On the first and second nights during this three-day special event, the speaker Dr. Jaerock Lee gave a two-part series message titled with "True Heart and Perfect Faith" based on Hebrews 10:22. At the beginning of his message, Dr. Lee explained to the audience that this special education had been prepared in the supervision of God prior to constructing the Canaan Sanctuary, and emphasized, saying, "You have to accomplish goodness and true heart in the sight of God, not in the sight of men. God is searching for a sincere person with such true heart and goodness. If you have cultivated true heart, perfect faith is given you and you are accompanied with the five signs recorded in Mark 16:17-18." Dr. Lee continued, saying, "In order to accomplish true heart, first of all, you have to possess good heart. Good heart is accomplished within you: first when you discover yourselves and cultivate goodness according to the truth; and second when you accomplish a big vessel of heart that never changes in any circumstances. In order to accomplish true heart, secondly, you have to possess true love. True love is planted within you when you surrender and sacrifice everything you have and when you trust the other." He added, "You have to keep the order of the church, throw away your selfish desires and exclusive will, and not to consider yours more valuable than the other's." At the last part of the message, he urged, "You have to consider the other better than you in humility, cast off all forms of sins and evils, and accomplish true heart as quickly as possible so that you can enter the City of New Jerusalem, the best dwelling place in Heaven." In the first afternoon at the seminar, Mrs. Boknim Lee, President of Manmin Prayer Center, led the Holy Spirit's Fullness Prayer Meeting, and many workers repented that they had not performed their ministries in accordance with God's Word but instead got involved in their own ways, and that they had caused problems to others with their frameworks of personality. In the morning of the second day, Pastor Heejin Lee encouraged the workers, saying, "You have to give thanks to God who is guiding you in various ways so that you can be greatly used for the kingdom of God in the eras of the Canaan Sanctuary and the Grand Sanctuary, and enter the City of New Jerusalem." In the afternoon, the seminar for the workers from branch churches was held, and Pastor Soojin Lee urged them not to feel distressed at the rebukes or against different opinions from seniors and not to have ill feelings at the other's mistakes and faults. Senior Deaconess Nanyoung Cha, President of Female Cell Leaders' General United Missions, confessed, "Now we can be assured to accomplish true heart and possess perfect faith by the love of God, intercessory prayer of the Lord and the help of the Holy Spirit."