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Mini Divine Healing Meeting Was Short but Full of Touching Moments - A Myriad of Healing Testimonies Flood in by the Works of the Holy Spirit

Manmin News   No. 199
September 5, 2010

On August 22, Dr. Jaerock Lee was conducting a mini divine healing meeting at the 2nd sanctuary in the midst of the preliminary and supportive praise of Hallelujah Praise Team, and everyone in attendance was filled with the Holy Spirit.

Dr. Jaerock Lee, Senior Pastor of Manmin Central Church, held a mini divine healing meeting for his church members after the Sunday evening service and before his departure for his special period of 3-week mountain prayer.
Until now, Senior Pastor Lee had been meeting with many church members and praying for them for their spiritual growth before the Friday all-night service, before Sunday morning services and after Sunday evening services. On August 22, 2010, as he was scheduled to depart from the church for a special 3-week mountain prayer. He held a special divine healing meeting for many of the church members who wanted to receive his prayer. The monthly Divine Healing Meeting is held in the main sanctuary during the second session of the Friday all-night service on the last Friday of every month. This impromptu divine healing meeting came as a surprise and was held in the 2nd sanctuary.
At 7:00 PM, two hours after the Sunday evening service ended, more than a thousand church members gathered at the 2nd and 3rd sanctuaries. Some members, shortly after the Sunday evening service, occupied the frontal pews of the 2nd sanctuary to see him closer and waiting for the kick-off of the healing meeting. Hallelujah Praise Team offered the preliminary songs and then Dr. Jaerock Lee appeared at the altar of the 2nd sanctuary and commenced his message saying, "Do you love God?"
In his message, he continued, "If you love God, you can receive whatever you ask for and all of the blessings recorded in the Bible. The proof of the love for God is keeping His commandments." And he emphasized, "In order to accomplish the Canaan Sanctuary, first of all, God really wants His children to become sanctified."
After he finished speaking, the praise leader, Deaconess Rose Han, led the congregation in singing "Alas! And Did My Savior Bleed" (Hymn 141). Members then repented of their sins in prayer. Many church members throughout the sanctuaries moaned in prayer and called out loudly in repentance. Senior Pastor Lee then led them to earnestly pray to receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit and after that he began praying for the healing of their diseases and fulfillment of their heart's desires.
After he prayed for the sick from the podium a 53-year-old deaconess, Jung-ok Ji, testified to her healing saying, "While he was praying, lights flashed before my eyes and I felt something cool in my body. The pain in the ligament in my left knee disappeared and strain to the muscles was also gone. A 47-year-old senior deaconess, Soeun Kim, testified, "I've been suffering regularly from piercing pain because of hallux valgus in which both the big toes are abnormally bent and point inward towards the other toes of the same foot. But tonight the pain disappeared."
A 55-year-old senior deaconess named Dukboon Chang was healed of the pain in her right arm, and Deaconess Hyunjung Ryu, 45 years old, was relieved of spinal pain. Senior Deaconess Hyungryun Kim, 55 years old, had suffered from her blood-shot left eye but it recovered to normal.
In addition, many believers became filled with the Holy Spirit, and their hearts became more fervent with the longing of heart for sanctification. It is widely expected that in this second half of the year, the church will be filled with God's answers to their prayers and the glorification of God.




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee