The Whirlwind of the Holy Spirit Shakes the State of Israel
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September 19, 2010 |
'This Is Your Day for the Miracle' Conference Titled with "Transformation" Took Place in Commemoration of the 2009 International Multi-cultural Festival in Jerusalem
In order to commemorate the 2009 International Multi-cultural Festival (ICMF) in Jerusalem, where Dr. Jaerock Lee had boldly proclaimed Jesus Christ is the Messiah, many Israeli pastors came together at the Haifa ICC again and hosted the 2010 'This Is Your Day for the Miracle' Conference with Bishop Dr. Myongho Cheong and Pastor Henry Medava.
Israel is the birthplace of the gospel, but it is considered to be one of the countries where it is difficult for the gospel to be spread. They are serving the one and only God but they are still waiting for the Messiah. In 2009, Dr. Jaerock Lee conducted a united crusade in Jerusalem, Israel's capital city, and boldly proclaimed Jesus Christ is the only Savior and Messiah for all mankind. This crusade was broadcast live to 220 nations via satellites, cables, and aired televisions. Exactly one year later, the fiery works of the Holy Spirit hit the State of Israel again. In commemoration of the 2009 International Multi-cultural Festival (2009 IMCF) in Jerusalem, which Dr. Lee had conducted as an Israeli crusade, the 2010 'This Is Your Day for the Miracle' Conference with Bishop Dr. Myong-ho Cheong and Pastor Henry Madava took place with the theme 'Transformation' at the International Convention Center (ICC) in Haifa on September 4, hosted by the Association of Crystal Forum (Israeli Pastors' Association). This commemorative conference brought many Israelis not only from Haifa, but also from other major cities in Israel including Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Ashdod, and Eilat. An Israeli woman who attended this Healing Conference said, "Last year I was considering suicide due to severe depression. But I received the prayer from Dr. Jaerock Lee at the 2009 International Multi-cultural Festival and was healed of depression. Now I'm leading a happy and healthy life." Similarly, this 2010 Healing Conference was attended by many others who remembered the 2009 IMCF that was held in ICC in Jerusalem on September 6th and 7th in 2009 and was featured with spiritual messages and amazing healing miracles. In the beginning of the Conference, the worship team of the 'King of Glory' Church in Haifa sang preliminary songs, and Praise Missionary Rose Han, Vice President of the Performing Arts Committee of Manmin Central Church, sang special songs in Hebrew. Her Hebrew songs moved the hearts of the audience and caused them to shed tears of emotion. One of the speakers at this 2010 Conference, Bishop Dr. Myong-ho Cheong, ministering to Nairobi Manmin Holiness Church in Kenya and serving the whole Africa as the Chairman of the United Holiness Church of Jesus Christ, Africa, delivered the message entitled with 'You Are the Christ and the Son of the Living God' based on Matthew 16:16. In his message, he testified to the love and power of our Savior Jesus Christ and presented many powerful works of God that have been manifested around the globe through Dr. Jaerock Lee. After completing his preaching, he lifted up the handkerchief Dr. Lee had prayed on, and earnestly prayed for the sick from the podium. After he finished praying for them on the stage, many people who desired to receive the individual prayer from him came forward to the frontal area. When he prayed for them with the handkerchief individually, they were healed of many kinds of diseases including a herniated spine, arthritis, and athlete's foot. They glorified God with testimonies. A man who couldn't walk freely came to walk well. Pastor Oleg Hazin, Preparation Committee Chairman of this 2010 Conference, said, "Through 2010 'This Is Your Day for the Miracle' Conference, representatives of many churches in Israel became united and many churches of Israel formed a great gathering in the name of the Lord. Many brothers and sisters are testifying they were healed while listening to the message or on their ways back to their homes. Many healing testimonies are flooding into the office of Crystal Forum." For this conference to be held successfully, all the pastors of Crystal Forum fasted and prayed by faith. After the conference ended up as a success, Pastor Daniel Rozen, Representative of Crystal Forum, was interviewed saying, "The Haifa ICC was crowded with approximately 2,000 people and filled with the glory of God. Participants were healed and encouraged with the anointing and comfort from above. Spiritual revival is occurring in Israel once again." Everyone in attendance commemorated the emotions and grace of the 2009 ICMF in Jerusalem, and many Israelis experienced God's healing miracles and Israeli pastors laid the foundation of spiritual growth and church revival in unity.