Dr. Jaerock Lee and Dr. Rick Warren Were Named as 'Top 10 Most Influential Christian Leaders' for the Second Consecutive Year
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January 23, 2011 |
In Victory and Christian Telegraph Announced the Ministers of 2010
According to Sergey Sergienko, editor-in-chief of the IN VICTORY magazine, the combined results from public survey, the frequency of the names having been mentioned in the press and the person's achievements during the year of nomination were used to select the "Ministers of the Year". Dr. Jaerock Lee, Senior Pastor of Manmin Central Church was named as the 'Missionary of the Year' among the top 10 most influential Christian leaders of 2010 (http://news.invictory.org/issue32289.html). In the year of 2010, from among the top 10 Christian leaders of 2009, Dr. Lee was also announced as the 'TV Evangelist of the Year'. The only two ministers who were named for the second straight year are Dr. Jaerock Lee and Dr. Rick Warren.
* Evangelist of the Year, Reinhard Bonnke (www.cfan.org) is a legendary evangelist who has led millions people to Christ in Africa. And even though he is a little over 70, he updates his Facebook account every day. He is certain that the Internet is a huge and wide-open space for evangelization. It is also known that he has prepared a successor to himself and Evangelist Bonnke is eager to awaken spiritually slumbering Europe.
* Writer of the Year, Lisa Bevere (www.messengerinternational.org): As an international speaker, author of many bestsellers and TV program host, Lisa Bevere is one of the few people who encourage women of the whole world to speak up and make the world a better place. In 2010 Lisa wrote the book "Lioness Arising: Wake Up and Change your World" in which she presented her prophetic message for women.
* Missionary of the Year, Jaerock Lee (www.manmin.or.kr): The pastor of the Korean "Manmin" mega church spares no effort or resources to bring revival and the Gospel of Sanctification to the farthest corners of the world. Israel, Peru, Estonia, the United States, India, Asia and African countries – the geography of his ministry is very broad. Pastor Lee is certain that Christians should be accompanied by the holiness and power of God.
* Diplomat of the Year, Rick Warren (www.rickwarren.com): This year the pastor of the Saddleback mega church Rick Warren has been named one of the most famous and influential users of Twitter. Rick Warren is one of few pastors who speak with high ranking officials publicly. Thus, in 2010, he held an interview in his church with the former president of the United States of America, George W. Bush.
* Philanthropist of the Year, Franklin Graham (www.samaritanspurse.org): As president of the Evangelical Association of Billy Graham and the charity organization "Samaritan's Purse," Franklin Graham dedicated his life to preaching the gospel and helping those who are in desperate financial need or in need of medical aid. The charity service is operated in more than one hundred countries of the world and in hot spots.
* Leader of the Year, James Davis (www.jamesodavis.org): James Davis is the co-founder of a growing coalition of churches and denominations, the Billion Soul Network, which recently embedded more than 350,000 churches. He is a gifted leader who has set a goal to strengthen relationships between pastors, and to establish five million churches and lead one billion people to Christ.
* Pastor of the Year, Paul Melnichuk (www.theprayerpalace.com): Being a son of Ukrainian immigrants, Paul (Pavel) Melnichuk managed to build the international mega church "The Prayer Palace" in Toronto – the largest city in Canada. Despite the liberal society surrounding him, he preaches an uncompromising Gospel. "The Prayer Palace" unites believers who represent more than fifty ethnic groups.
* Reformer of the Year, Mark Driscoll (www.marshillchurch.org): Pastor of the Church Mars Hill, Mark Driscoll is reforming the approach to establishing the church using modern technology. The Church Mars Hill created a special internal Internet church network, which became a virtual community that helps church members to build strong relationships.
* Broadcaster of the Year, James Dobson(www.myfamilytalk.com): This year, after more than 30 years of working as a head of one of the leading family organizations in the USA, "Focus on the Family," James Dobson left the ministry and he established and launched a new radio program named "Family Talk." The program helps to strengthen the institution of the family which, according to his opinion, serves as a base for a strong society.
* Strategist of the Year, Leonard Sweet (www.leonardsweet.com): Being a historian of American culture; a futurist, who sees certain tendencies in society hidden from the majority of people; and a writer, who brings gospel to the postmodern era, Leonard Sweet at the same time is a counselor of many churches and denominations. He also elaborates a strategy of accomplishing the Great Commission in this 21st digital century.