Pastors' Seminars and Miracle Healing Crusades were Held in Pakistan and Sri Lanka
 16193 |
May 29, 2011 |
The Fruit of the Gospel was Borne through the Power of the Holy Spirit
The mission team of Manmin Central Church traveled a few areas in Pakistan and Sri Lanka to hold Pastors' seminars and miracle healing crusades from April 26th to May 11th. They preached the gospel with the explosive power of the Holy Spirit. Countless people met the living God and accepted the Lord as their own Savior.
Picture 1: Pastor Taesik Gil praying with the handkerchief of the power
On May 11th, the mission team of Manmin Central Church came back from its 16-day mission trip to Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
On April 27th, the first handkerchief healing meeting was held in Lahore, the state capital of Punjab in Pakistan. The meeting was attended by 15,000 people. Under the title of 'Jesus Christ' taken from Acts 14:12, the speaker, Pastor Taesik Gil, ministering to Daejeon Manmin Church in South Korea, talked about the reasons in answer to the question 'How did Jesus become our Savior?' Then, he prayed for the sick with the handkerchief on which Dr. Jaerock Lee had prayed. (Acts 19:11-12)
After his prayer on the stage, many attendances testified to their healings. A Muslim woman said, "I could not kneel down and move well for decades because of backache. But now I came to be able to kneel down and move well!" A demon-possessed man was released from the power of the evil spirit. Many people in attendance gave glory to God testifying that they had been set free from female diseases, high blood pressure, arthritis, stomach diseases, poor eyesight, and all kinds of pains.
On April 28th, the Lahore Pastors' Seminar was held with 400 pastors in attendance. When Pastor Gil talked about Jesus' last seven words on the cross, the participants were so touched that they clapped and gave a shout of joy. They felt grateful to him due to the message which they had never heard before.
The mission team could see how Manmin's broadcasting ministry was aired in Pakistan firsthand. They had time with Anwar Fazal, President of Isaac TV which covers countries in the Middle East and Asia as well as Pakistan. He is quoted as saying, "Since Dr. Lee's sermon program started to be broadcast, a large number of testimonies have been received. Pastors in the Middle East asked us to have th]e program broadcast with Arabic translation, so I have been praying for it." Pastor Tariq Zia ministering to Jesus Evangelical Manmin Church in Lahore said, "We connected the GCN satellite receiver with the system in the local cable broadcasting station, so that the 500 households are able to watch GCN."
He also led handkerchief healing meetings and pastors' seminars in Lahore Jesus Christ Church, Jesus Evangelical Manmin Church, and The Water of Life Church.
The members of the mission team gave thanks to God while observing many Pakistanis remembering the wonderful moments in the '2000 Pakistan Crusade with Dr. Jaerock Lee' and bearing fruit of change in their hearts.

Picture 2: Lahore Miracle Healing Crusade was held on the Full Gospel Assembly Ground

Picture 3: The Passion Praise Team giving glory to God
Moreover, right after they left Pakistan, they heard in Bangkok that Osama Bin Laden, leader of Al-Qaeda, had been killed and terror threats were hovering there. They gave all the glory and thanks to God who had protected them and let them lead Christian meetings with around 15,000 people in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
Pastor Gil and the mission team went to Sri Lanka and led the miracle healing crusades in Raddolugama Community Hall, Wattala Hendala Provincial, Ramada Hotel Colombo, and Horana Town Hall. Hundreds of people attended. Right after the handkerchief healing prayer of Pastor Gil, the blind came to see, the deaf hear, and the paralyzed walk. All kinds of pains and diseases departed from the sick, and evil spirits even departed from them.

Picture 4: The Pastors' Seminar was held in the Ramada Hotel Colombo, Sri Lanka
Picture 5: Pastors in attendance taking notes during the message.
On May 7th, the Colombo Pastors' Seminar was attended by 400 pastors. This means that the majority of the local pastors attended the seminar. They received grace from the message confessing, "His message cannot be given by anyone but God. Keep teaching us the message."
In particular, the Passion Praise Team joined the mission trip in Sri Lanka and gave praise in Tamil and Sinhala and danced for God. They offered a special moment to attendees.
All members of the mission team witnessed the biblical works of the blind coming to see, the lame walking, and the deaf hearing as recorded in Matthew 11:5. They gave all thanks and glory to God.