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Campfire worship praise at Manmin Summer Retreat 2024
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Campfire worship praise at Manmin Summer Retreat 2024 ...

"We Will Have Pure and Good Hearts Like That of the Lord!"

Manmin News   No. 246
August 7, 2011

Children's Sunday School Had its 2011 Summer Bible School with the Programs Named 'Power Jesus', 'Performing Arts Festival', and 'Virtual Experience of Hell'

On July 26th children waved glow-sticks in the dark while praising the Lord with joy and thankfulness during the program 'Power Jesus' with Pastor Heesun Lee.

Children's Sunday School (Principal, Pastor Seongsik Jang) had its Summer Bible School from July 24th to the 27th. On the first day children had the Opening Service with Pastor Miyoung Lee. She delivered the message entitled 'Children Who Long for Spirit' based on John 6:63. She told them not to form any deficiencies of the body from the very beginning through proper education and experience. She also put emphasis on prayer with fullness of the Holy Spirit.

On July 25, Pastor Soojin Lee preached the message and led prayer. Under the title 'A Man of Light' taken from 1 John 1:7, she explained about spiritual light and spiritual darkness in easy to understand terms for children. She emphasized, "No matter how much you hate darkness, if you do things that the enemy devil and Satan have control over and want you to do then you are a 'man of darkness'. In closing she said that she hoped the children would become 'men of light' because there is no darkness at all in Heaven. After the message, she led prayer with the handkerchief of power so that children could repent.

On the third day, the 4th Manmin Performing Arts Festival was held in the morning. Children demonstrated their talents singing a solo or a duet; dancing with fans; performing the dance of angels; playing the guitar, the violin, or the cello; and acting in a musical play. The grand prize went to a 4th grader, Sister Suji Choi, who sang the song, 'I Love You.' The second prize went to the Miracle Worship Team that is made up of 3rd and 5th graders. The third prize went to The Team That Changed through the Love of the Shepherd who presented a musical play, and the fourth prize was won by Sister Jeongwoon Lee , a 5th grader who sang the God-given song, 'Earnest Hope'.

In the afternoon, Pastor Heesun Lee led 'Power Jesus'. Through a message titled 'Children Who Love and Trust God' they had the opportunity to check if they had jealousy, envy, hatred, deceiving hearts, or quarreling and then had time to repent, With the thankful hearts for the love of God and the Lord, they then gave glory to God singing the song, 'Jesus' while waving glow-sticks in the dark.

On July 27, Manmin Prayer Center President, Mrs. Boknim Lee, delivered the message under the title 'Trust' based on John 15:1-8. She used the allegory of grape trees as an example and led prayer filled with fullness of the Holy Spirit.

It planted life in the hearts of children. In the afternoon, extra activities and the Bible study ensued. Through the program 'Virtual Experience of Hell' they came to know the kind of sins the enemy devil takes delight and realized they have to cast away such things.

Additionally, Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee financially supported the event providing the children with snacks and many adult believers from the first and second grand parishes helped to feed them. After all programs were finished, some of the children stayed and helped teachers clean the sanctuaries.

Deaconess Soonmi Moon, President of the Teachers' United Association said, "Children experienced God's love with joy and happiness." The teachers took days off from their work for the Summer Bible School. Seeing children's smile, they made up their minds to lead children with the love and goodness of the Lord.

Children members of branch churches from South Ulsan, Mokpo, Muan, Gumi, Yeongam, Seosan, Tongyoung joined the Summer Bible School. It was also broadcast live through GCN (Global Christian Network).




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