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Muan Sweet Water of power; the water that delivers the love of God - The 13th Anniversary Service and Celebration Performance

Manmin News   No. 326
March 17, 2013

1: After the celebration performances, the guests were offering up thanks and praise to God and they were dancing with the performers in the Garden of Muan Sweet Water. 2: The 13th Anniversary Thanksgiving Service of Muan Sweet Water of God's Power with local influential figures. 3: Pastor Dongcho Shin is preaching in the service. 4: Crystal Singers and Sound of Light Chorus' performances

Muan Manmin Church surrounded by the seas

Unveiling Ceremony of the Monument for Muan Sweet Water of God's Power Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee, third from left

Since it moved into the area that was surrounded by the seas in February of 1999, Muan Manmin Church had suffered from the lack of potable water.

The church members started to pray with belief in the biblical miracle of the bitter water of Marah being turned into sweet water that is recorded in Exodus 15:25. They received Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee's prayer in March, 2000. Then, not only did the salty water become drinkable water, but also amazing works of power have been manifested through the water.

In 2007, Muan Sweet Water was confirmed of its safety and excellence in the tests of mineral factors, heavy metals, chemicals' residues, skin reaction, and toxicity through experimental analysis and testing that was conducted by U.S. Food and Drug Administration. In May of 2010, Muan Sweet Water gained the qualification to be exported to USA by passing all the additional tests of the FDA.

There is water that testifies to the living God and carries His love. It is Muan Sweet Water that brings about divine healing works and the works of answers when we use it with faith.

On March 5, 2013, 'Muan Sweet Water of Power' 13th Anniversary Celebration Service and Performance were held at Muan Manmin Church ministered by Pastor Myungsool Kim in Heaje-myeon, Muan-gun, Jeonnam Province. The leaders from many organizations as well as local residents and many believers attended including the governor of Muan and members of the provincial assembly.

During the service Governor Cheolju Kim in his address said, "I extend my heartfelt congratulations on the 13th Anniversary of Muan Sweet Water and I am delivering the hearts of the approximately 80,000 residents in Muan. Muan Manmin Church has not just spread the Word of God but they have also made contributions to local development. I also give thanks to Manmin Central Church's Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee for helping the poor with the eco-friendly rice produced in Muan. I appreciate his love for his hometown. I want them to glorify God."

Pastor Dongcho Shin (Assistant Pastor of Manmin Central Church) delivered the message entitled 'The Generation That Seeks Miracles' based on John 4:48. He said, "Muan Sweet Water has been given in the love of God. By this miracle God wants many people to feel happy, resolve their problems, and reach a better dwelling place in Heaven with faith." Pastor Esther K. Chung (Vice Chairperson of United Holiness Church of Jesus Christ, Former President of Seoul Women's University) gave the congratulatory message, and Pastor Daehee Cho (2nd Great Grand Parish Pastor in Manmin Central Church) offered the benediction.

The Celebration Performance was held in the Garden of Muan Sweet Water in amazingly good weather where the fog that had hung over earlier cleared away and the warm sunshine shone down all around. The Crystal Singers and Sound of Light Chorus, both of the Performing Arts Committee of Manmin Central Church delivered their performances and sang praises and danced with the attendees, celebrating God who allowed for Muan Sweet Water.

The Muan Sweet Water Site has been visited by countless people from home and abroad who yearn for the experience of witnessing the site where the power of God took place. There are unceasing testimonies concerning the works of healing and receiving answers that were accomplished through Muan Sweet Water. Deaconess Sunok Kim, aged 68, testified that she was healed of a serious gastric ulcer by drinking Muan Sweet Water, of xeroma by applying it on her eyes, and of hair loss by spraying it on her hair.

After submerging themselves in Muan Sweet Water, Sister Kawaguchi Yasuhiro, aged 49 and from Japan, was healed of pollen allergy; Missionary David Mukasa, aged 48 and from the U.K., was healed of scalp urtication; Sister Ana in Peru, aged 6, was healed of an injury and also of hair loss. Pastor Stanley Bogo in Kenya, aged 35, recovered his eyesight and Pastor Sihiotan Kusoi, aged 61, was cured of her diabetes.

Sahai Anton John in India, aged 13, hadn't been able to walk and speak because he was weak from his birth but he came to walk and speak well after he steadily drank Muan Sweet Water. Now he is growing up well. As seen through the testimonies, the power of God unceasingly unfolds through Muan Sweet Water at every corner of the world. We give all thanks and glory to God.




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee