"Heaven and Hell Surely Exist!" - Dr. Jaerock Lee's books Heaven and Hell were attested by declarations of witnesses
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July 7, 2013 |
The God of love who desires all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth, has prepared the beautiful Heaven where saved children can share true love and happiness forever with Him. However, those who do not accept the Lord until the last moment and commit sins though they say they believe cannot help but go to Hell. Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee (left) received the detailed description of Heaven and Hell by offering up countless times of fasting and prayer and he then published Heaven I & II and Hell. Through the publications, he has led countless souls to the way of salvation.
As an apostle for the Gentiles, Paul worked devotedly even to the point of death with hope for Heaven after he saw Paradise in Heaven as he said in 2 Corinthians 12:2-4. Then, he became a witness of the Lord manifesting the power of the Spirit to the ends of the world. Many passages of the Bible describe the spiritual worlds, Heaven and Hell. They definitely exist, though they cannot be seen with our eyes. Lately, Manmin Central Church has been on spiritual fire since Heaven and Hell were declared through testimonial sermons of witnesses, and the sermons have awakened the church members. The members are now running more earnestly toward Heaven. They pray fervently, try hard to live by the Word of God, work faithfully, and lead changed lives in hope. During Sunday Morning Services on June 16th and 23rd, referencing scripture from Revelation 21:10-11, Pastor Dongcho Shin testified to his experience where he was led by the Spirit in the grace of God to New Jerusalem, the most beautiful dwelling place in Heaven.
Pastor Dongcho Shin Pastor Shin said, "I could see the city of New Jerusalem surrounded by intensely bright and beautiful light just as recorded in Revelation 21:11, 'Having the glory of God her brilliance was like a very costly stone, as a stone of crystal-clear jasper.' The river of water of life was split into many streams just like branches of a tree. Dazzlingly brilliant gemstones were shining, and amid the light the believers' mansions were sparkling in different colors." He added that he could deeply feel the love of God the Father who prepares the beautiful place for us.
Pastor Heejin Lee Furthermore, on June 7th and 14th, Pastor Heejin Lee delivered a detailed description of Heaven and Hell that she had witnessed in the sermons during the Friday 'All-night' Service. To accomplish this, she had piled up an immeasurable amount of prayer—over nine hours a day. In having done so, she could see the dwelling places of Manmin members who have already returned to Heaven. She also explained about her conversation with the believers in the waiting place in Paradise and testified to the horrors and misery of Hell.
Pastor Heesun Lee Pastor Heesun Lee shed hot and mournful tears while speaking of unsaved souls who were suffering in Hell and the Lower Grave. She also recounted the punishments inflicted upon those who blasphemed, dishonored, and spoke against the Holy Spirit, who had committed suicide, and who engaged in homosexuality. She also pictorially represented the lakes of fire and burning sulfur where souls even cannot breathe. Moreover, she reported that demons are trying hard to find someone whom they can make commit suicide just as hyenas look for their prey and explained how they can have rest for a short while if they are successful in accomplishing it. Additionally, Pastor Crystal Kim, Pastor Seungshin Kim, and Praise Leader Rose Han delivered their testimonies concerning the parts of Heaven they had observed. Many people listened to them via GCN TV (www.gcntv.org) and the church website (www.manmin.org). They expressed their heartfelt thanks to Dr. Jaerock Lee for allowing them to know the horror of Hell so that they will not go to Hell. They said, "I am overjoyed with hope for Heaven and I came to long for sanctification all the more because I could feel God's heart that is goodness and love itself." Bishop Dr. Myongho Cheong ministering to Nairobi Manmin Holiness Church in Kenya said, "Our pastors and church members felt Heaven and Hell more realistically and faith and hope were added in them. It was a touching moment of blessing." Missionary Charonne Kang stated, "Many people in Jerusalem, Ashdod, Beersheba, and Nazareth joined listening to the testimonials of Heaven and Hell and they were amazed by them. It caused their faith to increase sharply." With the messages on Heaven and Hell, Dr. Lee has guided innumerable souls in the world to the way of salvation. He has devoted himself to the Word and prayer for the 35 years since he received God's calling as a servant of the Lord. With the heart of the Lord who does not want to lose a single soul, he is not stopping praying in his mountain prayer house for the salvation of all souls in the world. More detailed explanations on Heaven and Hell are included in Dr. Lee's books Heaven I & II and Hell, so you can refer to the books to learn more about Heaven and Hell.