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The Touching Scene of the 31st Church Anniversary Service and Celebration Performance

Manmin News   No. 358
October 27, 2013

Celebrating the 31st anniversary, Manmin Central Church glorified God in the Anniversary Eve and Anniversary services and events. The 31st Anniversary Eve Service and Performance were held on Friday, October 11, 2013. The 31st Anniversary Service and Celebration Performance were held on Sunday, October 13th. All events were broadcast live via GCN TV so that people in the approximately 10,000 branch and associative churches could join.
Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee preached messages based on Revelation 21:10-11 entitled "New Jerusalem" during both the Sunday Morning and Evening services. He talked about the three kinds of grace God has poured upon Manmin members to lead them into the city of New Jerusalem (Photo 1). He said God has given them the grace of repentance through the sacrifice and love of the Spirit; the grace of understanding the Word from the heart; and the grace enabling them to cast away sins (Read the sermon on page 2).
After Sunday Evening Service that began at 3 P.M., the 31st Church Anniversary Celebration Performance was delivered with the theme of "The Castle of the Shepherd in New Jerusalem II" (Photo 3). The performance was given by Performing Arts Committee of the church and it ran for about an hour. It was produced with God-given praises which filled people with hope for New Jerusalem, the most beautiful dwelling place in Heaven. They gave thanks for the love of God who has been guiding them to New Jerusalem and felt heavenly pleasure and fascination in the fabulous castle of the shepherd (See the pictorial article on page 4).
Dr. Morgulis, President of the Spiritual Diplomacy Foundation, U.S. said, "The performance was professional and awesome. I believe that the Lord has allowed all performers to lead high quality artistic lives because they can convey the true love of God and the Lord and the sincere heart and love of Dr. Lee to people in the performance culture" (Photo 2).
After the performance, Senior Pastor Dr. Lee said, "Our Manmin members have increased their faith while seeing things accomplished through faith, belief and obedience to the Word in the Bible, and they have received a lot of blessing from God. I hope that whether you eat or drink, and whatever you might do, you will give glory to God who is so good." Then, he asked people in and out of Korea to pray for the church's sixth sanctuary, the Canaan Sanctuary.
The service and event were attended by people from 17 countries including USA, Israel, Bulgaria, Mexico, and Kenya. Many Christian journalists and prominent figures from the religious and political worlds gathered to offer congratulations and celebrate the anniversary (Photos 6, 7). For the church members and their family and relatives who had been invited, the church also offered a variety of foods and had special photo sets for celebration pictures which brought great happiness to all (Photos 8, 9, 10).
During Friday All-night Service on October 11th, the 31st Anniversary Eve Service and Celebration Performance were held. Dr. Jaerock Lee delivered the message about the powerful works that unfolded in 2013 in the first half. In the second half, the Performing Arts Committee presented the Anniversary Eve Celebration Performance. The power was expressed in Korean traditional dance, vocal renditions, and Nissi Orchestra's instrumentals. They gave thanks and glory to God who has led Manmin for the last 31 years amid so many blessings. And then, at the lead of Praise Leader Rose Han, the church members offered up the fragrance of thanks and joy to God praising together with the God-give songs 'Walk of Faith 3', 'Power 2', and 'Let Us Go Forth' (Photos 4, 5).




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee