[In Latin America Now] Church Leaders' Seminars in the U.S. and Latin America
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July 9, 2007 |
From Monday, April 23 to Saturday, June 2, 2007, "Church Leaders' Seminars" were held in 11 cities in 8 nations including Miami and Fort Lauderdale, Florida, in the U.S.; Costa Rica; Nicaragua; Guatemala; El Salvador; Tegucigalpa and San Pedro Sula in Honduras; Lima and Cusco in Peru; and Bolivia. Held at the requests of local pastors and ministers following the crusades previously conducted by Rev. Dr. Jaerock Lee in Argentina, Honduras, Peru, and New York City, multiple rounds of Seminars this year were an opportunity through which Manmin's ministry was introduced in great detail, the teachings of "The Message of the Cross" and "The Measure of Faith" were preached, and paved the way for spiritual revival in Latin America. Manmin Joong-ang Church has been playing an active role in mission work in Central and South America, commissioning Rev. Lazarus Lee in November 2003 and Rev. Jung-yeon Jang in October 2006.
1. Speaker Dr. Esther K. Chung 2. Rev. Lazarus Lee leads handkerchief crusade
God takes charge of controlling the weather
Wherever the Seminars took place, it was evident that God was in charge of the weather. In Costa Rica, it had been raining until the day before the Seminar was to begin but on the day of the Seminar, God allowed pleasant weather. In Guatemala, He gave cool breeze during the duration of the Seminar so that the participants could comfortably heed the messages. In El Salvador, during what was to be the hottest time of the year, God covered the participants from scorching heat with thick clouds and cool breeze. Prior to the Manmin team's arrival, the temperature had been around 99 degrees Fahrenheit but the Seminar took place in cool weather from Day 1.

1. After Church Leaders' Seminar in Guatemala 2. Church Leaders' Seminar in El Salvador

3. Church Leaders' Seminar in Costa Rica 4. Church Leaders' Seminar in Miami, Florida
Lectures on "The Message of the Cross" & "The Measure of Faith"; Spiritual growth of church leaders
Local pastors and ministers listening to lectures on "The Message of the Cross" and "The Measure of Faith," both of which had been previously preached by Rev. Dr. Jaerock Lee of Manmin Joong-ang Church, received abundant grace. The crowd in Miami on April 27 and 28 rose to their feet in applause while listening to "The Four Qualifications Jesus Satisfies in Being the Savior of Mankind," while similar sights were witnessed on April 30 and May 1 in Costa Rica, and in Nicaragua May 3-4. At the Seminar held in Guatemala May 7-8, participants confessed to having received thorough answers to many spiritual questions and especially gave glory to God in applause upon hearing the lecture, "Why Did God Place the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil?" In El Salvador on May 10th and 11th, the crowd confessed that they had come to desire sanctification even more. In Honduras, the Seminars were held in Tegucigalpa May 14-16 and in San Salvador May 18-19. Those in attendance have come to distinguish spiritual faith from fleshly faith and after hearing about different heavenly dwelling places that are determined by each individual's measure of faith (Romans 12:3), each of them vowed, "I will make sure to live in New Jerusalem!" At the Seminar held in Bolivia May 29-30, church leaders remarked that the never-heard-before teachings were of tremendous help to their ministry.

5. Church Leaders' Seminar in Tegucigalpa, Honduras 6. Prayer meeting in Bolivia

7. Church Leaders' Seminar in Lima, Peru 8. Church Leaders' Seminar in Nicaragua
Church leaders longing for gospel of sanctification
When Rev. Lazarus Lee prayed with the handkerchief on which Rev. Dr. Jaerock Lee had prayed (Acts 19:11-12) after each session of the Seminar, an incredible work of repentance took place as church leaders rent their heart in repentance of having failed to live good and true lives as God's servants. Throughout the Seminars held in 11 cities in 8 nations, ministers, pastors, and church leaders requested a steady supply of the gospel of sanctification in the future. Many pastors and ministers also joined the Manmin family as branch or associate churches.
Seminars broadcast live on JBN TV of Honduras and CTC TV in Peru
On JBN TV, the Seminars were broadcast live throughout six countries including Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Colombia, and even the Miami, Florida area. In Cusco and neighboring regions of Peru, the Seminar was carried live and rebroadcast on CTC TV Channel 2. The Cusco Seminar held on May 24-25 and broadcast live on CTC TV was the first time the Biblical interpretation of the Garden of Eden was transmitted on a secular network and many viewers who had received overflowing grace from the broadcast called in to request the station to produce video footages. We give all thanks and glory to God for opening the way for a more active and swift spread of the gospel of sanctification to the United States and Latin America through the 41-day Seminar series.