"Heaven and Hell Are Not Fiction!"_Spiritual World Really Exists and Afterlife Awaits Us
 14514 |
June 1, 2014 |

The God of love created the heavens, the earth, and all things in them. He sent Jesus to be the One who would save us, and He has clearly led in teaching us about Heaven and Hell so countless people could be saved, be awakened from spiritual slumber, and share love forever with Him in New Jerusalem. (Photo: Heaven I & II in 14 languages and Hell in 18 languages)
Anyone might ask the questions, 'Where will men go to after the life on the earth?' and 'Is there really an afterlife?' or 'Do Heaven and Hell really exist?' However, most people meet with death before they realize the answers. Even though some believe in an afterlife, they are barely able to enter Heaven because of lack of knowledge of Heaven.
Moreover, it is a heart-breaking situation to hear about major accidents or natural disasters resulting in the deaths of dozens of or even thousands of people. Matthew 7:21 reads, "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter."
Heaven is a very beautiful and happy place and there is nothing we know of that can be compared to it. Since God owns Heaven and He is holy with no blemish and no spot, only those who act in His will can enter Heaven. He is also the God of justice who lets us reap what we sow. He allows us to reap 'Heaven' if we sow faith in our freewill and to dwell in a better dwelling place in Heaven to the extent that we live in the will of God. That is why Matthew 11:12 says, "From the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and violent men take it by force."
In 2002, Dr. Jaerock Lee, a world-renown revivalist, revealed the mysteries of Heaven and Hell that were explained in the inspiration of the Spirit. He did it through publishing three books. The book Heaven I depicts the beauty of Heaven that is 'as clear as crystal', Heaven II illustrates the city of New Jerusalem that houses the glory of God, and Hell contains the earnest love of God who doesn't want anyone to go to Hell. The books have been translated and printed in many languages.
Through 2014, Heaven I & II have been published in 14 languages: Korean, English, Traditional and Simplified Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, Russian, French, Portuguese, German, Vietnamese, Italian, Indonesian, and Polish. Hell has been printed in 18 languages including Malaysian, Urdu, Thai, and Hindi, which has awakened countless numbers in the world from spiritual slumber.
The books Heaven I & II and Hell are available in well-known bookstores and online bookstores such as Amazon.com; through them many people have now read the books and felt the love of God. They said they came to long for New Jerusalem in Heaven.
Manmin Central Church members had a special time of grace when they could feel the existence of Heaven and Hell more substantially. Just as written in 2 Corinthians 12:2 where Apostle Paul's spirit was separated from his body and saw Paradise, God allowed the spirits of eight pastors and workers of Manmin who achieved sanctification to be separated from their bodies at one place and visit Hell, the Lower and Upper Graves, and the dwelling places in Heaven during the second half of Friday All-night Service on May 25, 2013. They each testified to their experience.
Their realistic testimonies helped the believers have more assurance in the existence of both Heaven and Hell which Dr. Lee had preached about. Through this, Manmin's members have been riding on more rapid flow of spiritual growth and change. (Relevant stories on Page 4)
Let's give all thanks and glory to God who shows us Heaven and Hell clearly and blesses us to lead the Spirit-filled Christian life with true faith and hope.