Fulfillment of Prophecy on World Affairs and Economic Flow_Results of prophecies on the 6/29 Declaration, future presidential elections and the
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June 29, 2014 |
Prophecy is not in the will of man. It is a special gift from God given to those who have not only piled up prayer, but have become sanctified and obey the Word of God. The Bible tells us that Noah prophesied about the great flood, Abraham about the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, and Elijah about a great downpour in the drought. Many prophets such as Jeremiah, Amos, Hosea, and Micah prophesied that Israel would fall and be restored. Daniel and Apostle John also received revelations concerning the things that would happen at the end time.
Twenty seven years ago, there was an incident which was a landmark in the democratization of South Korea. On June 29 in 1987, Roh Taewoo, who was the presidential candidate of the Democratic Justice Party, decided to accept the people's demands for direct election, and this was the 6/29 Declaration (The June 29th Declaration).
On June 18 God, who knows everything, gave Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee inspiration and vision. He explained to him that the 6/29 Declaration would be issued and also explained about its contents. In the weekly bulletin that following Sunday that was distributed on June 21, eleven acronyms were printed in inverse order. It was done so because at that time, Korea was under control of a military regime and this was a very major issue.
The acronyms were, in Hangul, Korean letters, "Min, Gey, Yak, Sei, Dae, Gye, Chong, Mo, Roh, Hu, Dae."
It meant, "President (Dae) Chun Doohwan issued the 'Protection of the Constitution' to support the presidential candidate (Hu) Roh Taewoo (Roh). But as a man is shot (Chong) in his head (Mo), all plans (Gye) of the 'Protection of the Constitution' would fail. The influence (Sei) of the president (Dae) Chun was weakened (Yak) by the opposition of the people, and to accept the demand of the people, he would issue the 6/29 Declaration. There would be amendment (Gye) of the Constitution to have direct election, and it would be the beginning of democratization (Min)."
In those days, the press predicted that it would be hard for Roh to be elected as the President who was appointed by President Chun because his influence was weakened. But God said that Roh would be elected with many votes.
"Your people want ones who have fought for your country's democratization and been devoted to it as your president. But if the leaders fail to achieve unity and cooperate for good, how can things go well with them? Therefore, without the grace of God, they won't be successful. If the two are not successful, who should be the President? Isn't it natural that the one who has steadily piled up and smoothly achieved many things will be superior to the others?"
People wanted the ones who had been dedicated to democratization to be the President. But God said that if the two candidates Kim Youngsam and Kim Daejung were not united, neither had a chance to become the President. God also let us know the reason Mr. Roh Taewoo couldn't help but be elected. In the end, the two Kims did not become united and Roh was elected as the President. Then, God showed Dr. Jaerock Lee the candidate Kim Youngsam in a flower wagon going into the Cheong Wa Dae, the presidential palace, after Mr. Roh, and then the candidate Kim Daejung went into the Cheong Wa Dae in a flower wagon. Also God let the church know that Mr. Roh Moohyun, Lee Myungbak, and Ms. Park Guenhye would be the successive presidents of South Korea, that Mr. Obama would be the president of the U.S., and Mr. Kim Daejung, former president would die. All of the predictions actually occurred as prophesied.
Additionally, Dr. Jaerock Lee also prophesied even before the church opening that President Park Chunghee would die. He prophesied about South and North exchanges; the European Union; the reelection of Mr. Reagan as the US President; the time of death of Indira Gandhi, Indian Prime Minister; the death of Konstantin Ustinovich Chernenko, who was the General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union; the election of Margaret Thatcher to a third term as Prime Minister of the U.K.; and the battle of Kosovo.
In particular, since 2000, God let Dr. Jaerock Lee prophesy about the fluctuation of oil prices; the movement of political flow in the Middle East; and how the world powers, specifically the USA, EU, and the union of China and Russia would trilaterally centralize power. God also let Dr. Lee know about the relations of China and the U.S., the prosperity of China and Russia, the failure of the Sunshine Policy, and the opening and closing of North Korea (Relevant story on Page 4).
Dr. Jaerock Lee has constantly prophesied to plant faith in countless believers by testifying to the living God and extend the kingdom of God so that the church may receive edification.
Manmin Central Church's weekly bulletin's cover and contents, published on June 21, 1987 shows the prophecy of 6/29 Declaration.