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Manmin Church Will Deliver the Hope for Heaven World-wide_The most glorious place in Heaven, New Jerusalem, brought to people in 3D film

Manmin News   No. 413
November 16, 2014

Enter New Jerusalem and ride in a golden chariot. Pass the fragrant gardens embroidered with beautiful flowers and arrive at the entrance into the main castle of the shepherd. Enter the special place between the first and second floors. In the wide open space the crystal clear river of the water of life is flowing. Look at the beautiful villas that were built based on tastes of the occupants, those who were devoted to souls' salvation in unity with the shepherd. They will enjoy eternal happiness there with God and beloved ones forever. In fact, it is not possible to represent the magnificent beauty of Heaven with mere earthly technologies. But through this film, many people will gain renewed hope for New Jerusalem and press onward all the more eagerly.

"I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago—whether in the body I do not know, or out of the body I do not know, God knows—such a man was caught up to the third heaven" (2 Corinthians 12:2).

Apostle Paul witnessed the beauty of Paradise in Heaven by the grace of God. Thereafter, he was committed only to preaching the gospel, leaving behind all he had; abundance, fame, and knowledge. However rough his road may have been, his heart was filled with hope for Heaven and love for souls.

In answer to Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee's earnest prayer and fasting, God began to teach him about Heaven in detail in May 1984. More refined details about Heaven have been revealed year by year to Manmin which has received the duties of the national and world evangelism and has been preaching the holiness gospel.

In particular, on the church's 32nd anniversary in October 2014, the beauty of New Jerusalem, the most glorious place in Heaven, was brought to the church members and guests in a film produced with 3D technology. This added faith to them by making the invisible spiritual world visible.

Pastor Esteban Handal, President of JBN TV said, "The 3D film is based on God's revelation. By watching it, many people will now try to live a sanctified life with hope."

Ms. Mikyung Kim, Professor of College of Fine Arts of Kangnam University and Korean Art Research Institute Director said, "How can Heaven be visualized before me like this? I thought no one could have depicted Heaven in such full detail except by God's revelation. I also felt thankful since it is not an imaginary place but the place we will live soon."

Pastor Justin Clarance, a member of 2015 Malaysia WCDN Conference Organizing Committee stated, "It was another revelation from God. I learned about what Heaven looks like. I also desire to enter New Jerusalem." The images show splendid mansions that God prepares for His children with regard to their preferences. The audience could feel the great love of God who gives us eternal dwelling places and their hope for New Jerusalem was increased. They were also able to realize that God would repay according to what they had done. Also, He would not forget their devotion and sacrifices for His kingdom, even of their personal time which could have otherwise been enjoyed with beloved ones, and give them special places to gather.

Dr. Lee's book Heaven II explains the spiritual meanings embedded in the twelve foundation stones of the city of New Jerusalem: faith, uprightness, sacrifice, righteousness, faithfulness, passion, mercy, patience, goodness, self-control, and gentleness. When one achieves perfect love in which the colors of the twelve attributes are harmonized he can enter New Jerusalem.

Manmin Central Church has been making the glamour of Heaven known to people in the world via the books Heaven I & II published in 14 languages, through sermons on GCN (which covers over 170 countries), and through the church's anniversary celebration performance, and thereby is leading countless souls to the way of salvation.

Manmin members became filled with hope for New Jerusalem again through the video presentation and made sure that they would have the earnest heart of the Lord for souls, deliver the love of God who is preparing Heaven for us, and accomplish the providence for the end time.




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee