Works of Re-creation Bestowed as the Fruit of Love_Eliminated Ebola virus from DR Congo, changed gender of fetuses, renewed hearts of men
 14210 |
January 4, 2015 |

Christmas Lighting Ceremony 2014 was held at 9:50 P.M. on December 19, 2014 with thousands of members in attendance who gathered to celebrate the Lord's birthday. This event was aired live via GCN. Until the previous day it had been very cold, well below zero degrees Celsius, but during the event it warmed to above zero. Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee said the Lord had unceasingly interceded for us at the right hand of God's throne without eating or drinking and we should remember His love and try harder to grow up quickly.
In 2014, Manmin members smiled and laughed a lot, and sometimes shed lots of tears because they realized how the shepherd had sacrificed himself for them. Seeing his dedication, they could feel the love of God and the Lord transcending their imagination. The love caused them to smile with happiness and at times shed unceasing stream of tears.
In the beginning of the year, God gave the church the four prayer titles: 'I Will Do It' (John 14:13-14), 'Ministry' (Acts 19:12), 'Shining Sanctuary' (Revelation 21:2), and 'Work of Re-creation' (Genesis 1:3). The members prayed earnestly for them in unity with the shepherd.
As explained in Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee's message titled 'I Will Do It', right from the beginning of the year, many powerful works happened and continued through his prayer. Many fetuses with high risk of Down syndrome were born normal and gender of many fetuses was changed as their parents hearts desired. The members were able to understand what the title 'I Will Do It' meant by witnessing such works.
In particular, through the Holy Spirit's works that occurred explosively during the Divine Healing Meeting on the first night of Manmin Summer Retreat 2014, many people were healed of their diseases. More amazingly, Ebola virus diseases stopped in DR Congo by Dr. Lee's prayer. When an Ebola outbreak occurred in Equateur province in DR Congo, Governor Sebastien Impeto asked Dr. Lee to pray for terminating the virus. After he prayed, Ebola virus stopped spreading in the province, and it was officially declared on November 15 that the virus completely disappeared.
Manmin's 'Ministry' was actively performed for the salvation of countless souls in 2014 as ever. Many handkerchief healing meetings were held in Manmin's approximately 10,000 branch and associate churches. Moreover, Manmin's pastors were invited to many overseas countries and led crusades and meetings with the handkerchief (Acts 19:11-12). Through them many people were healed of their diseases and received answers to their problems. Manmin will keep performing the ministry with the handkerchief, and they expect many more spiritual warriors for the ministry to come by obeying God's will and being united with the shepherd.
God also helped Manmin members to achieve the heart of spirit and the beautiful heart that the twelve foundation stones of the city of New Jerusalem stand for so that they can build the 'Shining Sanctuary'. The number of people with heart of spirit and whole spirit has increased, and the world situation and all circumstances are going as God has spoken—at His appointed time the finance He prepared will come and Manmin will build Canaan Sanctuary and Grand Sanctuary.
Additionally, the 'Work of Re-creation' that re-creates things with the original voice constantly unfolded. Through this work, a variety of signs and wonders took place, dead spirits were revived, and the members' hearts and characters were cultivated into the truth. This was the driving force for the church to achieve the standardization of spirit in 2014.
Amid such great grace of God, Manmin finished the year by holding the general assembly on December 28th. The members are clearly aware that all the blessings they enjoyed in 2014 were given thanks to the shepherd's endless sacrifice. He showed the sign of true love even by unsparingly giving his life. They say they will never forget the love and should give thanks for that love. In 2015, they will ride on the more rapid flow of whole spirit and devote themselves to achieving the world mission, national evangelism, and prepare in earnest to build Canaan and Grand Sanctuaries.
They offered up New Year Service from 11 P.M. on December 31 until 4 A.M. on New Year's Day, 2015. They received the prayer of blessing for their personal prayer titles as well as the church's God-given prayer titles: "Glory" (Haggai 2:9), "Fruit" (1 Thessalonians 5:23), "Beautiful Sanctuary" (Revelation 21:10-11), and "Power of Re-creation" (Genesis 1:3).