"The Latter Glory of This House Will Be Greater Than the Former"_In 2015 God will be glorified more greatly in the flow of whole spirit and through the power of re-creation
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January 11, 2015 |

Manmin Central Church has proclaimed God the Creator, Jesus Christ, and the works of the Holy Spirit by working with its approximately 10,000 branch and associate churches in the world and through Dr. Lee's multi-lingual books, newspapers, GCN (Global Christian Network), WCDN (World Christian Doctors Network), and MIS (Manmin International Seminary). In 2015 Manmin will achieve the God-given visions greatly and the providence of the end time by revealing a greater glory than the former.
On December 28, 2014 in the 2015 Annual General Meeting, Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee spoke these words, "Dear pastors and all members of our nearly 10,000 branch and associate churches, we have many things to do in 2015 to accomplish God's providence for the end time. I pray in the name of the Lord that you will come forth as fruit of spirit and whole spirit quickly, accomplish the providence of the end time with your shepherd, and enter New Jerusalem full of God's glory."
At his time he also announced four visions given by God for 2015 as follows:
The first one is 'Glory' (Haggai 2:9). Manmin Central Church has glorified God with countless signs, wonders, and powerful works manifested by Dr. Lee and has been spreading the holiness gospel to every corner of the world. However, since this end time is so completely full of sins, only when the latter glory is incomparably greater than the former, will the eyes of all people of all nations be opened and the people will then be able to meet the living God. Now the shepherd has already fulfilled the requirement of justice with his sacrifices. So, in 2015, Manmin will give much greater glory to God through innumerable works.
The second is 'Fruit' (1 Thessalonians 5:23). In God's view, the perfect fruit of human cultivation are people of whole spirit. In 2014 Manmin accomplished the standardization of spirit thanks to the shepherd's sacrifice and in 2015 they will ride on the flow of whole spirit in earnest. Not only should Manmin ride well on this flow, but they must also go forth out to the world with the handkerchief of power (Acts 19:11-12) and guide countless souls to the Lord. By doing so, they will bear good and perfect fruit of whole spirit abundantly.
The third vision is 'Beautiful Sanctuary' (Revelation 21:10-11). God has been making a way for the church to build here on this earth, the magnificent and beautiful sanctuary revealing the glory of New Jerusalem. Above all else, God earnestly hopes that in the sanctuary His sanctified children will glorify Him offering up praises and reverence for Him. These enormous projects of the construction of the Canaan and Grand sanctuaries are going to be embarked upon shortly when the comprehensive blessing comes in. Note that the more people of whole spirit that Manmin has, the more quickly they will be able to build the Grand Sanctuary.
The fourth and last vision is 'The Power of Re-creation' (Genesis 1:3). The power of re-creation refers to the power that restores or renews the things that God created. Currently, not only is the world full of sins and evil, but so are the people. However, the power of re-creation will change even the most maliciously-hearted people for whom it seems being saved is impossible. So, even those like Judas Iscariot will be made to kneel down before the name of God. It is in this way that people of all nations will be led to the way of salvation, to answers, and to blessings. At the same time, more believers will be guided to New Jerusalem, which will perfectly glorify God.
The four visions show the big picture of 2015 and bring great expectations. In 2015, by the manifestation of the power of re-creation, the waves of spiritual renewal will travel unimpeded to Korean Christian churches and even to the whole world. In this flow Manmin should be ever more tightly united with the shepherd at the center, receive God-prepared comprehensive blessings, and give great glory to God.
Dr. Lee also wished the members peace and happiness, saying, "In 2015 I will let no one remain poor or sick in this church with which God is walking. If we obey the Word of God, we will never become sick. I will plant this faith in the hearts of newcomers and pray for them so that they can be healed of their diseases."