Praise Being Offered to God with Love of the Cross and Hope for Heaven _The Second Half of Friday All-night Service with praise leaders and performing arts teams
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January 25, 2015 |
Manmin Central Church has Friday All-night Service from 11 P.M. on Friday until 4 A.M on Saturday to keep in mind that Jesus was crucified to save all mankind on a Friday. Through the Word, prayer, and praise the service overflows in blessing. During the praise and prayer time of this second half, the members receive fullness of the Holy Spirit and are filled with a special joy and happiness that can't be felt anywhere in the world. They are provided with strength to overcome the world, give out the fragrance of Christ, and fulfill the duty of light and salt in the world.
"Let's all gather and let our lips sing to the Great Father. Sing Hallelujah! Let's gather our hearts and sing out once more to the Great Lord. Sing Hallelujah!" To the Great Lord sing Hallelujah!
Smiles spread across the church members' faces, praising and dancing during the second half of Friday All-night Service. This is rare view of Manmin members while other people are sleeping.
On Friday, many people seek relief from their weekday stress by shopping, seeing a movie, eating a good meal, traveling, doing some sports, talking to friends, or drinking and dancing. However, to Manmin members Friday night is a blessed chance to meet God.
On a Friday about two thousand years ago, Jesus took the suffering of the cross in the providence of God to redeem all mankind from sins. To remember the love of the Lord Jesus, since its opening in 1982 Manmin Central Church has offered up Friday All-night Services from 11 P.M. on Friday till 4 A.M. on Saturday. The first half is the worship service, and the second half is a time of praise and prayer.
During the first half they listen to spiritually powerful messages and gain the keys to solving problems in their lives. In the second half, they exuberantly praise God and cry out in prayer together.
The second half is led by one of ten praise leaders in turn. They are Praise Leaders Rose Han and Jiae Kim; Pastors Woojin Chun, Rira Chung, Kyunga Ko, Purum Shin, and Yuri Do; and Sisters Dakyung Sung, Jinkyung Seok, and Jungeun Kim. By the touch of the Holy Spirit each of them has their own distinct style of leading so the members feel a greater sense of excitement and renewal in praising.
Since they met and experienced the living God, the praise leaders have taken after the Lord and given out the fragrance of Christ. So their words deliver the love and grace of God.
Praise Leader Rose Han, age 38, said, "The most important thing I want to do as a leader is to offer up God-pleasing praise and prayer with all our hearts together with our members. We can freely sing the God-given songs of Manmin Praise during the second half. Through the songs our hearts are purified and our souls have rest in the warm love of God; the second half is a heavenly banquet held on the earth."
Seminary Student Yuri Do and Sisters Jinkyung Seok and Jungeun Kim have recently joined in drawing out the members' attention and love leading the second half. They give them joy through their new kind of leadership, adeptness, and vigor. Sister Jinkyung Seok, age 22, said, "I long to offer up our strong aroma of love to God through praises. I pray to gather our beloved members' hearts as well as my heart in offering them to God. I would like to have spiritual authority that fulfills this holy duty and I want to deliver the love of God, the Lord, and the shepherd to many souls in the world."
Deacon Jaehwan Oh, age 43, stated, "On Fridays I work late and after finishing work I go straight to church in haste. On the way I look forward to the blessing God will give me and wonder what leading patterns tonight's leader will show. During the praise time of the second half, I fill my heart with the love of God, the Lord, and the shepherd and become refreshed by it."
Friday All-night Service is broadcast live all over the world via GCN which covers approximately 170 countries worldwide (