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"God's Love Is Felt in Heart"_Experiencing of the Existent Spiritual Realm

Manmin News   No. 441
May 31, 2015

God allows believers in Christ to feel heavenly beauty and happiness even on the earth through spiritual works. (From top, left, The Castle of the Shepherd in New Jerusalem; the 32nd Anniversary Celebration Performance "Invitation"; the separation of spirit during the second half of Friday All-night Service on May 25, 2013; and the other photos, various photos of aurora light taken by members)

The church that is crowded not only on Sunday but also during Wednesday Service and Friday All-night Service; the church whose members pray together every night; and the church which helps the members believe the living God from the heart and not just as knowledge: it is Manmin Central Church.

Many visitors to our church are surprised to see the Spirit-filled members like the Early Church members. The members have received blessings, healing, and answers through Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee.

Furthermore, God gives them special grace every year. They spend summer time with mysterious dragonflies that fly down and sit friendlily on their fingers or their bodies, and they see many rainbows around the sun very frequently and they take photos of many shapes of aurora-like lights using their cell phones.

On May 20, 2011, various shapes of aurora-like lights were taken with their cell phone cameras. There were colorful fish, fruits, flowers, and heart shapes and the Lord's appearance, which reminded them of Heaven. They felt God's original light, and came to have more faith and hope for Heaven.

May 25 in 2013 was a historic day we can never forget until the Lord comes back. In 2 Corinthians 12:2 it reads, "I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago—whether in the body I do not know, or out of the body I do not know, God knows—such a man was caught up to the third heaven." It was Apostle Paul's confession about his experience of the separation of spirit.

During the second half of a Friday All-night Service, eight people among pastors and church workers who had the heart of spirit had similar experiences. Through Dr. Lee's prayer, their spirits were separated from their bodies at the same time and each visited dwelling places of Heaven and Hell (related story on p3).

They testified to what they saw, heard, and experienced during the separation of spirit. The church members engraved it deep in their hearts and came to be more joyful and grateful for being heavenly citizens. In particular, the tearful testimony of a pastor who visited Hell encouraged them to spread the holiness gospel and the Lord's love more earnestly to non-believers.

In October, 2014, they could go far beyond just imagining Heaven. They could see it; the video presentation produced with 3D technology showed New Jerusalem in Heaven during the church's 32nd anniversary events. The believers who saw this video came to have greater longing for New Jerusalem and become more earnest to achieve the sanctification of heart.

Now it is the end time when men are lovers of self, lovers of money; and they do not dance when we play the flute for them; we sing a dirge, and they do not mourn. God blessed believers in this end time to experience the spiritual world in many ways because He wants them to set their minds not on the earth but on the things above and thereby to enjoy true happiness.




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee