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The Word Was Confirmed by the Signs that Followed!_The Pastors' Seminar and Handkerchief Crusade in Russia and Finland

Manmin News   No. 446
July 5, 2015

In June, Rev. Soojin Lee (photo 1) led Pastor's Seminar and Handkerchief Crusades in Russia and Finland. Photos 2-5: Pastors and believers in attendance listened to the word of life, experienced the powerful works and they were renewed feeling God's love. Photos: 6 and 7 Manmin's performers and testimony givers in Handkerchief Crusades. And, photos 8 and 9: the meeting in Blessing Church in Finland and Praise Festival.

Rev. Soojin Lee, President of Pastors' Association, was invited to Finland and Russia by local pastors and believers and led Handkerchief Crusades and Pastors' Seminar there. After the 13-day mission trip, Rev. Lee came back on June 23, 2015.

On June 19, she delivered a message at the Pastors' Seminar held in St. Petersburg Manmin Church, Russia (Pastor Bladimir Osipov, Chairman of United Holiness Church of Jesus Christ, Russia). The seminar was attended with longing for the grace by many pastors from Estonia, Belarus, and distant areas of Russia. There were some who came by train for 48 hours.

Praise Leader Rose Han, Vice President of Performing Arts Committee, praised God in Russian and the Power Worship Dance Team presented beautiful performances to Russian songs. In her message, Rev. Lee preached under the theme of Dr. Jaerock Lee's representative sermon "The Message of the Cross" and explained the reason God placed the tree of the knowledge of good and evil; the providence of human cultivation, and the qualification of the Savior. The attendees received a lot of grace. One of them said, "I have learned about Dr. Lee's holiness gospel but through this seminar I realized how to apply what I know to my life and that this is the essence of the holiness gospel."

Pastor Maksim Tomassov, President of TBN Baltia in Estonia also attended. He said he had received God's blessings since he supported Dr. Jaerock Lee's Estonia Crusade 2010 and his viewing audiences really like Dr. Lee's sermon programs of GCN.

On June 20, Rev. Lee led a Handkerchief Crusade in Theater Colosseum in the center of St. Petersburg (Acts 19:11-12). The local praise team offered up praises in fullness of the Spirit and then the welcoming message was delivered by Pastor Dmitri Polyakov who had interpreted Dr. Lee's sermon during Russia United Crusade 2003. The DVD "Power of God" was presented and Manmin's performers praised and danced. The attendees became filled with grace and the Holy Spirit's fire.

Rev. Lee then delivered a message on spiritual faith and fleshly faith. After the message, she prayed for the sick with the handkerchief of power and many people were healed of their diseases. An 88-year-old woman nearly lost her eye vision and her sight was blurred as if there was thick fog before her eyes. But after Rev. Lee's prayer, her sight became bright and she came to recognize people. She testified to her healing with joy.

A man with paralysis of the left side came to move his left limbs freely, and another man threw away crutches and walked. Many people testified to their healing of arthritis, back pain, AIDS, and other diseases.

On June 13, before the seminar and crusade in Russia, the mission team with Rev. Lee visited Finland and held a Praise Festival and Handkerchief Crusade. The local praise team and Manmin's performers performed. Then, Rev. Lee delivered the message "Why Is Jesus Our Only Savior?" She prayed for the sick after the message and a man who relied on a stick to walk due to hip joint paralysis came to walk without the stick. Other people with difficulties in walking came to walk freely without their crutches. Others were healed of herniated lumbar discs, arthritis, and allergies.

Rev. Lee led meetings in Blessing Church in Finland on June 14 and in the Bread of Life Church in Gatchina, Russia. The meetings provided the church members with joy and fullness.

God's powerful works and Jesus Christ were preached and the word was confirmed (Mark 16:20). Let's give all glory to God.




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee