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Hidden mystery that no one has expected - Awaken, Israel

Manmin News   No. 106
November 25, 2007

Hidden mystery that no one has expected - Awaken, Israel

A new work of Dr. Jaerock Lee has been published.
This work consists of the 4 chapters titled "Israel, God's Elect," "Messiah Sent by God," "The God Israel Believes in," and "Watch and Listen!" and delves into their earnest longing for the Messiah, their doubts of the Savior Jesus Christ, and mysterious secrets that the Jews has neglected during the history.
This work also helps the Jews who has eagerly waited for the Messiah realize God's true love through His only Son, and give a true answer to them who have believed that their love for God is observing the law. In addition, this will be a serious warning for the whole mankind in the end time of the world.

< A newly published book: Seven Churches>

Our Lord's earnest confession for a true church through the letters sent to the angels of the 7 churches. - Seven Churches

Why were the seven cities – Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea recorded in the beginning of the Revelation of John in which the mystery of the last days of the world is embedded?
The epistles that our Lord sent to the seven churches through the apostle John are true time-and-space-transcending guidelines for all the churches that have existed throughout the history, and also the synthesized message covering all the words of God in the Old and New Testaments.
In addition, this book is a real indicator of the church with which our Lord is pleased, so it is expected to awaken as many churches in the world.




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee