Heat Wave Alert in Effect for All Korea, Manmin Summer Retreat 2015 held in Cool Weather_The International Festival with People from 27 Countries
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August 16, 2015 |
Manmin Summer Retreat 2015 was as special as ever. God showed the proofs of His love throughout all events. All members in attendance experienced signs, wonders, and powerful works. They also felt God's love and joy that nothing else can give (Main photo: Camp Fire Worship & Praise of the third day, #1: the circular rainbow around the sun during Arrival Service on the first day, #'s 2, 3, 5: Dr. Jaerock Lee's Seminar and Divine Healing Meeting; #'s 4, 6, 7: Sports Day on the second day, and #8: a performance during Camp Fire Worship & Praise of the third day)
From August 3 to 6, Manmin Summer Retreat 2015 was held at Deogyusan Resort, Muju, Jeonbuk Province under the theme of "Love". People from 27 countries attended.
God helps the members feel His love during Manmin Summer Retreat every year by showing great and amazing signs, wonders, and powerful works. In 2015, as previously, there were many proofs of His love spread throughout the retreat.
On the first day the retreat was started in God's great love with a circular rainbow around the sun. Manmin Prayer Center President Boknim Lee led the Arrival Service. That evening Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee led the Seminar and Divine Healing Meeting.
Dr. Lee explained about the former retreats. In Retreat 2013 any member could build up trust with the shepherd by opening their heart a little; in Retreat 2014, the members could feel the love of God who always gives the best things and leads them to the best ways although something contrary to their thoughts and expectations occurred; and in Retreat 2015, more members could ride well on the flow of whole spirit more rapidly by seeing the shepherd's goodness, love, and faith and his trust relationship with God.
God showed them signs through the cool breezes and blessed them to enjoy optimal temperatures. A heat wave alert was in effect for the entire country. However, refreshing and moderate breezes continued to blow, helping to control the temperature and humidity. It kept the weather very pleasant. It was much like the Israelites being protected in Goshen while Egyptians in the rest of Egypt suffered from the Ten Plagues.
Moreover, God expressed His deep love for His children through His powerful works. Many people were healed of cancers, skin diseases, ruptured discs, bone fractures, and various pains. Many people recovered better eyesight and hearing ability. Some who had relied on wheelchairs and crutches threw them away when they got up and walked. They filled the stage to glorify God with their testimonies.
A boy was healed of autism, and many others were healed of incurable diseases. Moreover, 22 out of 29 participants who were deaf came to hear.
While they were testifying to God's healing works, Dr. Lee prayed again earnestly so that more people could meet the God of answers and healing. The doctors and medical professionals of WCDN (World Christian Doctors Network) received their testimonies, and said that there were too many testimony givers for them to receive all.
On the second day, the Sports Day was held with inter-Parish Competition. Throughout the events, cool breezes blew, and there was not even a minor accident. All members were united in love. In particular, the members who received healing by Dr. Lee's prayer participated and glorified God.
On the third day, Dr. Lee led Camp Fire Worship & Praise. He offered up thanks and love to God in praising with the members. Dr. Lee said, "My life was on the path of poverty, diseases, and suffering. It was not until I accepted the Lord that I came to know true joy and happiness. Since then, nothing has been a problem to me because I have kept hope for Heaven where I can live forever with the Lord. I overcame everything with joy and thanks, and then God gave me the greatest power and told me to lead countless souls to Heaven."
The church members experienced the works of God who controlled the weather and so many people were healed of many diseases. Thanks to love of God who wants to give them only happiness, their faith and hope increased all the more.