"I Am Happy to Have Joined the Ministry of WCDN"_Doctors and Medical Professionals of the World Christian Doctors Network Visited Manmin Central Church
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November 1, 2015 |
On the church's 33rd anniversary, WCDN members visited Manmin Central Church to experience Manmin's ministry. They attended the celebration service and performance, met Dr. Jaerock Lee, and looked around at the Muan Sweet Water Aquarium (Photos 2, 4, 5, 6). They also paid a visit to GCN and visited Muan where they submerged themselves in the Muan Sweet Water Pool (Photos 7, 8). WCDN held the 12th conference in Malaysia and the organizing committee expressed their thanks to Senior Pastor Dr. Lee by giving an appreciation plaque to Dr. Gilbert Chae, President of WCDN (Photos 1, 3).
Sin and evil get rampant in the world and knowledge increases day by day. In order to deliver God the Creator and the gospel of Jesus Christ to educated people in this world, Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee founded World Christian Doctors Network (WCDN) in 2004. The organization asserts the validity of signs, wonders, and powerful works of God based on medical documentation.
WCDN holds an annual conference in different locations throughout the world with the theme of "Spirituality and Medicine". They are expanding their active influence in the world with its nineteen branches.
On October 8, 2015, the fifteen members of WCDN from the U.S., Spain, Malaysia, and Indonesia visited Manmin Central Church to celebrate the church's 33rd anniversary. They attended Anniversary Eve Service on Friday, October 9 and Anniversary Celebration Service and Performance on Sunday, October 11.
Dr. Daniel M. Thuraiappah, Family Physician, from Malaysia said, "The church is blessed by God. The performance was wonderfully beautiful and well organized, and it made me feel like I was in Heaven. Manmin has pursued international ministry through its broadcasting and literary media missions. Many well-trained young members who serve the church inspire many Christians."
Dr. Sharon Satoko Ayabe, Family Physician, from the U.S. stated, "I came here with my sister, her husband, and my father. My sister wants to be healed of Parkinson's disease by Dr. Jaerock Lee's prayer. I received a lot of grace from his sermons and I felt heavenly peace and happiness and God's love through Manmin Praise. I had seen the performance of Disney Land that was famous as the best one in the world but Manmin's performance is incomparably better. The performance was offered up only to God and caused great joy to our hearts."
After the Sunday Evening Service, they met Dr. Lee, the Founder and Board Chairman of WCDN, and received his prayer for their hearts' desires. Dr. Lee emphasized the importance of WCDN ministry once again in spreading the gospel. He also talked about the powerful works of God who can do everything, and urged all to glorify God with faith all the more.
In the meeting, Dr. Daniel M. Thuraiappah received Dr. Lee's prayer for his wife who was suffering from degenerative inflammation of a knee joint. Then, he talked to her on the phone and she said that she came to walk normally without pain.
On October 12, they paid a visit to Muan Sweet Water Site and gave thanks for the almighty God's great work. Muan Sweet Water Site is where salty water from the sea in front of Muan Manmin Church was changed into sweet drinkable water by Dr. Lee's prayer just as bitter water at Marah turned into sweet water (Exodus 15:25).
This visit improved the pride and enthusiasm in the ministry of WCDN. Mr. Isidro Martinez Ballester, a medical consultant from Spain, stated, "I could see that Manmin Central Church is dedicated to spreading the gospel with all its strength, devotion, and wisdom. Through this visit I became filled with the Holy Spirit and came to have pride in WCDN ministry."
He heard about the ministry from his mother-in-law who had received grace listening to Dr. Lee's sermon programs on Enlace TV and also from Dr. Armando Pineda, Director of WCDN U.S.A. He also participated in the 12th Malaysia International Christian Medical Conference, which assured him of the ministry.
Dr. Juan Carlos Solano, Surgeon Dentist, Implantologist is President of 2016 WCDN Spain Conference Organizing Committee. He said, "Christianity is on decline in Europe, which made me feel so sorry. But when I experienced Dr. Lee's ministry, I came to have hope. I think the conference that will be held next year will be a great chance for European souls. I respect Dr. Lee who manifests healing works of God's power. I have come to realize the significance of WCDN ministry all the more. I am happy to be a part of this precious ministry. I will try my best for the coming conference to be successfully conducted." During this visit WCDN members were filled with the Holy Spirit and expect their part in God's great plan and providence to be unfolded through them.