"Hope for the Crystal-clear Beauty of Heaven Makes Us Happy!"
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May 29, 2016 |
In the history of Manmin there has been overflowing love and blessings given by God. Countless people have met the living God amid abundant words of life and amazing powerful works. Now they are still experiencing the works of the Holy Spirit and waiting for the Lord who will come again.
In May in particular, we cannot but think of the grace of God who called Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee as His servant.
Deacon Jaerock Lee had been praying to become an elder who was to help the poor and support the mission works. In May 1978, God called him as a pastor. From that time on he armed himself with the Word and he offered up innumerable periods of fasting to receive the power of God. In 1982, when he was a senior in seminary, he opened Manmin Church.
He prayed to spread the gospel to the ends of the earth as a witness of the Lord. In May 1984, God urged him to fast and pray celebrating his birthday. Accepting his prayers and fasting, God started to explain about Heaven in detail. Based on these explanations, he wrote two-part series Heaven. The first volume was published in 27 languages and the second in 14 languages. The book has led many souls to the way of salvation (Photo 7).
In May 1986, he was ordained as a pastor and led many revival meetings in many places throughout Korea to achieve the national evangelism. He also strived to lead many souls in the world to salvation through the publication and broadcasting ministries.
From May 1993, he held Special Revival Meeting for two weeks annually. Many members both in and outside of Korea have been able to experience the power of God. As recorded in the Bible, the dead came back to life, the blind came to see, the deaf to hear, the mute to speak, and the lame to walk and jump. Dozens of couples who suffered from infertility received the blessing of conception and many people who had serious diseases such as cancer and AIDS were also healed. It led to great revival like the Early Church experienced.
In May 1998, God blessed the church members to see the rainbow that surrounds the sun on Dr. Jaerock Lee's birthday. Since then many kinds of rainbows including three and four fold, circular rainbows; linear, symmetric, and asymmetric rainbows; as well as K-shaped, ring-shaped, and comprehensive rainbows have appeared (Photos 1, 2, and 3; refer to page 3).
In May 2004, the last special revival meeting was held under the theme of "Thunder the Original Voice". All people of Manmin around the world offered up the worship services through satellite broadcasting. They experienced many kinds of signs and wonders written in the four Gospels (Photo 8).
In May 2011, God blessed the church members who had longed for the spiritual world to take pictures of aurora lights so that they could feel the original light of God. Its shapes varied including the shapes of angels, hearts, and fish and the colors also varied (Photos 4,5, and 6). Through this, the members longed all the more to achieve the heart of spirit and grow up in faith quickly (Refer to page 3).
In May 2013, God also answered the prayer of Dr. Jaerock Lee and blessed eight pastors and church workers to visit Heaven and Hell in front of the church members. When they heard their testimonies, the members were assured even more firmly of the existence of Heaven and Hell (Refer to page 3).
Since May 2014, all members who had cast off every form of evil by fighting against sins to the point of death according to the Word of God and had achieved the heart of spirit and whole spirit have been invited to Dr. Lee's mountain prayer house where he delivered the love of the Lord to them so that they could lead happy Christian lives with longing for New Jerusalem.
In May 2016, he invited middle and high school students of Manmin to his prayer house. He planted hope for Heaven in their hearts so that they can overcome the world, run the race of faith and thereby become the spiritual warriors worthy to transform this sin-filled world (Photo 9).
In this happy month, May, Manmin members could engrave the love of God, who wants to give them the best things, deep in their hearts. Through His love, they are expected to become holy by the Word of God and prayer (1 Timothy 4:5).