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Biblical Signs, Wonders, and Powerful Works Exploded in Manmin Summer Retreat 2016

Manmin News   No. 506
August 28, 2016

From August 8 to 11 in 2016, Manmin Summer Retreat 2016 was held at Deokyusan Resort in Muju, Jeonbuk Province. The retreat was attended by many people from over 30 countries and it was filled with God's glory.

God blessed the attendees with the optimum temperature through winds, clouds, and rain and also gave amazing answers and blessings to them.

On the first night, when the Speaker Dr. Jaerock Lee prayed for the sick after the seminar, a great number of people were healed of their diseases, threw away wheelchairs and crutches and came to walk, and came to see through the eyes that had gone blind.

Many healing works exploded in the meeting. Let us now share some of the testimonies and give glory to God.

"It Is the Proof of God's Walking with Him!"

Bishop Yaqub Paul, Chairman of United Bishop Council Pakistan

Dr. Jaerock Lee's Pakistan Crusade 2000 had a great spiritual influence on Pakistan. The crusade was attended by many Muslims as well as Christians. It brought down answers and blessings upon them and many accepted the Lord. Since the crusade, Dr. Lee's messages have been available on Isaac TV, and Pastor Taesik Gil has regularly visited us and held Pastors' Seminars and Handkerchief Healing Meetings (Acts 19:11-12). As a result, Pakistani Christians and Christian organizations could become united.

In August 2016, I visited Korea to join Manmin Summer Retreat. On the first day, August 8, I personally witnessed biblical signs. Before the retreat, Dr. Lee said that the blind would come to see, the lame would come to walk, and many would be healed of various diseases. He said that we would meet and experience the living God. Just as he told us, a number of people were set free from diseases and infirmities and testified to their healing.

It is the proof of God's walking with Dr. Lee. I saw the ministry of power manifested in Manmin, and the members were very kind and full of love. I felt happy as if I was in Heaven. Hallelujah!

"I Experienced a Miracle of My Blind Eye's Coming to See"

Brother Sangyeong Park, age 51, Parish 4, Manmin Central Church

I had a car accident twenty two years ago and it hurt my brain. I had a major surgery of implanting artificial bones. I was diagnosed with brain lesions stage IV and my left eye went completely blind. I could not see even light with the eye. Before Manmin Summer Retreat 2016, Senior Pastor said that God would heal us of many eye-related diseases during the retreat, but I thought my eye was just an exception.

On August 8, it was the first day. I arrived at Deokyusan Resort late so I could not get to Jumping Park, the seminar venue, and received Senior Pastor's prayer on GCN live broadcasting with my smartphone. During the prayer, I felt cool on my eyes and things came to look bright. A little bit later I could see people moving.

My blind left eye came to see! It was a miracle! Now I came to perceive the sunlight, read the big letters on calendars, and distinguish colors little by little.

"I Was Born Deaf but Came to Hear!"

Sister Pangpurim, age 45, Malaysia

I could not hear at all from my birth. From July 2016, I started to attend Manmin Central Church on Sundays and received a lot of grace from the sermons through sign language interpretation. I heard about Manmin Summer Retreat and wanted to participate in it. I heard that 27 deaf people had come to hear in Manmin Summer Retreat 2015, and I earnestly longed to hear as well.

When I received Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee's prayer, I felt itchy, hot, and cold in my ears. I felt that God was working even on me and shed tears. Surprisingly, I came to hear and have been hearing better and better. Hallelujah!

"I Collapsed Due to Cerebral Infarction But I Got Up from the Wheelchair!"

Deaconess Jeongok Jeong, age 67, Busan Manmin Church

On February 26, 2016, I collapsed suddenly and was sent to hospital. I was diagnosed with cerebral infarction. I stayed in hospital for over five months. I was treated with medication and relied on a wheelchair. By my husband's help, I received Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee's prayer for the sick on smartphone every day. I prepared for Manmin Summer Retreat by listening to the sermon tapes "The Message of the Cross".

On the first night, during the Seminar, I repented with tears that I did not have true faith though I had listened to Dr. Lee's sermons and seen countless powerful works. And I received the prayer for the sick. I was strongly urged in heart to get up from my wheelchair and I finally stood up. Amazingly, strength was given to my legs. I came to be able to walk!

"The Black Horizontal Line Seen through My Left Eye Disappeared!

Deacon Changho Ma, age 54, Chinese Parish, Manmin Central Church

Three years ago, things looked blurred in my left eye and a black horizontal line was seen in the middle of my sight. My doctor told me that I had retinal vascular rupture and it caused bleeding. My left eye's vision started to fail and went worse rapidly. The black line seen made me see only two thirds of things. I had many difficulties in my daily life, but there was nothing I could do.

I attended Manmin Summer Retreat 2016. In Divine Healing Meeting, we sang the praise of repentance. I closed my eyes and repented that I had befriended the world and had not lived by the Word. I shed endless streaming of tears. After I praised for a long while, I opened my eyes. I could not but feel astounded. The black line seen through my left eye was gone and things came to look so clear! Hallelujah!

I could not read words in the Bible, but now I can see everything clearly. I feel like the world around me changed! I am so happy!

"I Can Carry a Heavy Baggage to the Fifth Floor without the Crutches!"

Deacon Yongin Hong, age 53, Parish 1, Manmin Central Church

My backbone was crooked, and I even had herniated lumbar disc. It was very painful so I had a surgery in December 2015. But I still had the same pain. I relied on crutches in a thick waist support.

I wanted to be healed in Manmin Summer Retreat 2016. Before the retreat, I listened to Dr. Jaerock Lee's sermons repeatedly and repented that I had not loved others. I repented that I had hated them, not considering them. And I tried to live by the Word. On the first night of the retreat, I received Dr. Lee's prayer for the sick. Yet, I had more severe pain until next day. But I believed that God had already worked on me.

On the third night, I was watching Senior Pastor who was leading Camp Fire Praise and Worship. I felt deeply moved by his sincere love for souls. He prayed again for us so that even one more of us could fulfill our hearts' desires. Then I suddenly wanted to stand up from my chair. I stood up for myself and came to walk without my crutches. After the retreat, I became healthy enough to carry a heavy baggage to the fifth floor. Hallelujah!

"I Was Healed of Congenital Paralytic Strabismus!"

Brother Kyuchan Yeon, age 16, Students' Sunday School, Manmin Central Church

I had congenital paralytic strabismus. I had to look at sideways to see better, and my eyes shook and vibrated so much that other people noticed it. My doctor said it was very dangerous for me to have a surgery and he didn't guarantee its complete cure even with the surgery.

I offered up a vowed prayer for a week in Daniel Prayer Meeting and deleted the things God hates on my smartphone. I prepared myself to be healed in Manmin Summer Retreat 2016. As I believed, I was healed by Senior Pastor's prayer in the retreat. I don't have to look at sideways. I can see well by looking straight and my eyeballs no longer shake. Hallelujah!

"I Can See Things Clearly after I Was Healed of Nearsightedness, Astigmatism, and Xerophthalmia!"

Sister Guo Quan Shu, age 44, Singapore

I had nearsightedness, astigmatism, and even xerophthalmia. Everything was out of focus and looked blurred. It was so uncomfortable in my daily life. I felt like my eyes were covered with something like fog, and even eye glasses did not improve my vision. I often changed my glasses. In 2016, the symptom got even worse and I changed glasses three times. But there was no improvement.

Meantime, I took part in Manmin Summer Retreat 2016 and received Dr. Jaerock Lee's prayer for the sick. Then, things came to look clear and now I can read even small letters without glasses. Hallelujah!

"Pain in My Shoulders Was Gone in an Instant!"

Brother Lee Tuck Kuen, age 35, Malaysia

I have watched Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee's sermons on GCN in Malaysia and received a lot of grace. My wife suffered from infertility for three years after her miscarriage of our second child. But when Pastor Sooyeol Cho visited Penang Manmin Deaf Church for its 7th anniversary service in December 2015, she received the handkerchief prayer from him and received blessing of conception (Acts 19:11-12).

I participated in Manmin Summer Retreat 2016 with longing and received so much grace. I was even healed of pain in my shoulders that I had for five years. When I received Senior Pastor's prayer in Divine Healing Meeting on the first night, the pain was gone in an instant. Hallelujah!




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee