Pastors' Seminar 2016 in IsraelAttended by Pastors from Russia, Ukraine, and Kyrgyzstan
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November 27, 2016 |
Israeli pastors have strong pride in their ministries in Israel where the Savior Jesus was born, but some of them invite Rev. Dr. Soojin Lee to hold pastors' seminars with a longing heart for the holiness gospel. It is really unusual (Photo 1). This is possible because they can listen to the spiritually profound messages that they cannot hear anywhere and witness signs and wonders (Photo 2: Pastors' Seminar, and Photos 3 and 4: healing meetings).
On November 3 and 4, 2016, a Pastors' Seminar was held by Crystal Forum (Israeli Pastors' Association) in Ramat Rachel Hotel in Jerusalem, Israel.
The seminar was attended by many pastors from Russia, Ukraine, and Kyrgyzstan as well as local pastors in Israel. Praise Leader Rose Han of Performing Arts Committee praised in three languages; Hebrew, Russian, and English. And Power Worship Dance Team's high quality dance moved the hearts of the attendees.
Rev. Soojin Lee, President of Pastors' Association of Manmin Central Church, preached about difficult passages to understand.
She explained spiritual meanings of difficult passages such as "Jesus' first sign of changing water into wine in Cana", "Gaining eternal life only by eating the flesh and drinking the blood of the Son of Man", "How to eat the lamb", "Taking Heaven by force", and "Prophets die in Jerusalem". They gained great realization into some of the deep spiritual meanings in the Bible.
When she prayed with handkerchief, the pastors repented that they had taught without deeds and made up their minds to become exemplary pastors acting upon the Word of God.
One of them said, "It was amazing that Dr. Jaerock Lee received the interpretation of the difficult passages and explained them. I will cherish the Word of God and pray fervently to become a renewed pastor."
The bishops from Ukraine asked her to come to their country and lead the seminar. Dr. Andre Gasiorowski said he wants to invite Rev. Soojin Lee to his home country Poland and hold a crusade. And he also invited her to a big event celebrating the 70th anniversary of Israel's independence hosted by Helping Hands Coalition under the support of the Israel government in 2018.
On the morning of November 5th she delivered the message "Parable of Ten Virgins" in the Spirit of Life Church (Pastor Sergey Bocharnikov) in Nazareth, and that afternoon she preached the message "Gaining Eternal Life Only by Eating the Flesh and Drinking the Blood of the Son of Man" held at the Come and See Manmin Church in Tel Aviv (Pastor Toshi Mulenga).
On November 2, Crystal Forum held its 8th anniversary event. Israeli pastors were losing their influence in their country and becoming estranged from the society due to Judaists who do not accept Jesus as the Savior. Meantime, Dr. Jaerock Lee performed active ministry over all areas of Israel from 2007, and his constant ministry encouraged them and gave them spiritual boldness. As a result they organized Crystal Forum.
Afterwards, they held Israel United Crusade 2009 with Dr. Jaerock Lee as the speaker, and have held various events including the Crystal Music Festival and camps for children and youths. They have awakened souls and invited Rev. Soojin Lee and held Pastors' Seminar. They have been renewed by the holiness gospel and experienced the power of God.