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Pastors' Seminars and Handkerchief Healing Meetings in Nepal, India, and Hong Kong

Manmin News   No. 520
December 11, 2016

From November 8 to 21, 2016, Rev. Heesun Lee, Manmin World Guidance Pastor (Photo 1) held pastors' seminars and handkerchief healing meetings in Nepal, India, and Hong Kong. She preached the holiness gospel and prayed with the handkerchief of power.

Katmandu, Nepal: Awakening of Pastors and Healing of Leprosy

On November 10, Rev. Lee had a meeting with the members of Nepal Manmin Church in the morning, and led a Pastors' and Workers' Seminar. The seminar was attended by more than 750 (Photo 2). People from Dubai and Bahrain as well as many areas of Nepal attended with longing.

On the morning of November 11th at Nepal Manmin Church they held the 11th Anniversary Service and Celebration Event. Around 600 people attended. Rev. Lee preached the message under the title of 'Change' taken from Philippians 2:17-18.

In the afternoon, Rev. Lee prayed with the handkerchief on which Dr. Jaerock Lee had prayed (Acts 19:11-12). After she prayed (Photo 7) many people testified to their healing. Many people were healed of their diseases including asthma, itchiness, thyroid disease, and urinary incontinence. Brother Home Bahadul Rai (Photo 8) regained the ability to hear through the ear that had been deaf for three years and his bent back was straightened. Brother Jei Ram Buzel was healed of leprosy (his story on page 4).

Delhi, Northern India: Healing of Hearing Impairment and Space-and-Time-Transcending Healing of Chikungunya

On November 13, Delhi Manmin Church had its Fourth Anniversary Service (Photos 3 and 4) with approximately 350 people in attendance.

Rev. Lee preached the message "Fruit" based on 1 John 3:18, and prayed with the handkerchief. Brother Papu was healed of the after-effects of ocular implants. Sister Rohan's mother, who was suffering from chikungunya virus at home, was healed transcending space and time (Photo 9).

Brother Umeshi (Photo 10) was deaf but came to hear through Dr. Jaerock Lee's prayer in Manmin Summer Retreat 2016. He guided deaf people to the meeting and four of them came to hear. Many other people were healed of their poor eyesight, diabetes, and dermatitis.

Chennai, Southern India and Hong Kong: Healing of Deafness and Blindness

On November 16, Rev. Lee met with the members of Chennai Manmin Church. The church had its 12th Anniversary Service with approximately 500 people in attendance (Photos 5 and 6) and she conducted a Handkerchief Healing Meeting. She delivered a message on "Love" (John 15:7-9) and prayed with the handkerchief.

Brother Jaswansing who came back from the threshold of death due to heart attack through Dr. Lee's prayer in August 2016 was healed of insomnia and pain in shoulders (Photo 11).

Brother Rajendran (Photo 12) came to hear through both of his ears and speak. Sister Rebecca was healed of diabetes and pains over her whole body caused by its complications, and Brother Reuben was healed of a fracture of his leg. In addition to them, many others were healed of asthma and diseases caused by stroke, and some were set free from demons and received many kinds of blessings such as financial blessing and promotion in workplace.

On November 20, Thanksgiving Sunday Service and Holy Communion were held in Hong Kong, and in the following handkerchief healing meeting many people were healed of various diseases including healing of blindness.




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee