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Seminars Held in Punjab, India Spread Holiness Gospel

Manmin News   No. 585
April 01, 2018

The seminars for Hindi speaking GCN viewers and pastors were held in three cities of Punjab, following the seminar that had been held in Delhi.

From March 12 to 15, 2018, Pastor John Kim, Delhi Manmin Church in India, delivered the messages "The Reason God Made Man of Dust from the Ground" (Genesis 2:7) and "Human Cultivation" (Genesis 3:23). He urged the attendees to resemble the Lord and become God's true children and preached about Dr. Jaerock Lee and his powerful works.

He explained the extraordinary work recorded in Acts 19 and testified that the same work has happened today through the handkerchief on which Dr. Lee prayed. He prayed for the attendees with the handkerchief and many people were healed. A Sikh man had relied on a crutch during the previous six months, but he came to walk without it after the prayer. The pastors in attendance expressed their great longing for the holiness gospel and asked Pastor Kim to hold the seminar every month.




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee