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The Love of the Lord's Cross Is Engraved in the Heart!_ Easter Performance 2018, 'The Cross of the Lord'

Manmin News   No. 587
April 15, 2018

During the second half of Friday All-night Service on March 31, Easter Performance 2018 was delivered by Performing Arts Committee under the title of "The Cross of the Lord" on a special stage in the main sanctuary.

The performance was attended by many pastors and believers from overseas countries including Russia, Kenya, France, the United States, and Singapore, and it was broadcast live on GCN ( and the Internet. The ministry, crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus were vividly depicted.

Heavenly Voice Chorus, Heavenly Dance Team, Sound of Light Chorus, Crystal Singers, Glory Worship Dance Team, Power Chorus, and Harmony Chorus in Performing Arts Committee and a few more church members acted with enthusiasm, and United Praise Team, United Music Band, Nissi Orchestra, and Immanuel Choir joined with music and song. In addition, many church members participated with contributions to choreography, stage installation, wardrobe, props, make-up, and staff operations. Including professional outsourcing staff, more than 300 people worked together to render the performance.

Act 1 entitled "The Cross of the Lord" starts with a young Jesus who waits for the time of fulfilling the providence of salvation and prepares for it in prayers. It was followed by the scenes of people who wait for the Messiah; the Lord's love; His prayer; His ministry; and the last supper; and the way of the cross.

Act 2, "The Resurrection of the Lord," describes the death of Judas Iscariot; those who love the Lord after His crucifixion; and the resurrection and ascension of the Lord.

The church's performances are set apart by being produced with Manmin's God-given songs which greatly move the members' hearts. For this Easter Performance, God gave six new songs: No One Could Know; The Disciples; The Cross; Afterwards, Judas Iscariot; He Has Risen; and Afterwards, The Disciples. The members felt the limitless love of the Lord embedded in the lyrics and melody and became filled with the thanks for the grace of salvation, the joy of resurrection, and hope for heaven.

On April 1, Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee delivered the message "The Resurrection of the Lord" based on 1 Corinthians 15:41-44 during the Easter Sunday Morning Service. He explained the lessons we should learn from the resurrection of the Lord: the first is that there is eternal life; the second, fruit must follow our devotion in the Lord; and third, all sufferings we receive in the Lord turn into glory. During Sunday Evening Service, the members celebrated Holy Communion and engraved the sacrifice and love of the Lord deep in heart.




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee