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Thai Young Members Came to Manmin Summer Retreat 2018 with a Great Longing

Manmin News   No. 606
August 26, 2018

In August 2018, twenty-seven members visited Korea from Chiang Rai Manmin Church in Thailand. They came to attend Manmin Summer Retreat 2018. Twenty out of the twenty-seven were young adults. They had prepared for the retreat with prayer and fasting with such hearts' desires as spiritual growth; firsthand experiences of signs and wonders; recovery of the first love for the Lord; and elimination of the attachment to the world.

Most of them are high school or college students, or entry level workers in their places of work. Most of them in fact, could not afford to come, but they saved from their income and earned money by working part-time jobs. By the leadership of the president of the Female Young Adults' Mission, they increased their earnest hearts and their desires were finally fulfilled.

They said they would never forget the grace they received in the retreat. They made various emotion-filled confessions: "I had longed to attend worship service in the main sanctuary of the central church. I was happy to achieve the dream." "I experienced great changes both in spirit and body." "I felt the love of God who gave us cool weather in the retreat venue and increased my faith by seeing many testimonies of people being healed." "I felt the warm love of God when dragonflies landed on my arm."




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee