Give thanks to Our Lord who Has Come to this Earth to Save Us
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December 23, 2018 |
Christmas Messages from Pastors in Israel and Palestine "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased." Luke 2:14
Bethlehem_ "I was reaffirmed in the crisis of my ministry that was under persecution and hardships"
Pastor Nihad Salman
I can never forget the Christmas in 2007, the day which Rev. Dr. Jaerock Lee was with us.
Bethlehem is the birthplace of Jesus, and yet more than 90% of its population is Arab Muslims, and a church being ministered to there faces many persecutions and hardships.
I was also having such a hard time that I couldn't continue my ministry. And in 2007, Rev. Lee held a Christmas service in Bethlehem. There were more than 200 believers who were longing for God's Word and healing. Many of them received what they had come for in addition to fullness of the Spirit.
The visit of the Korean mission delegation was the Christmas gift from our Lord that we never anticipated. Rev. Lee said there is God's providence for Bethlehem, and advised us to continue our ministry with assurance. He didn't only encourage us with words. He has been supporting us both spiritually and financially up until today.
I give all thanks and glory to God for bringing Rev. Jaerock Lee into my life and ministry. I also thank God for his spiritual and financial support. Dear members of Manmin, may God bless you greatly. Merry Christmas!
Jerusalem_ "The pastors in Israel are united as one in preaching the gospel"
Pastor Oren Lev Ari
The ministries and churches of Israeli pastors began to prevail from the time we met Rev. Jaerock Lee, because we were united as one through his love, prayer, and support. After I heard about Rev. Lee, the Holy Spirit in me spoke to me in my morning prayers that I had to meet him. Soon, he came to Israel with his delegation. The moment I met him, I could feel that he is a man of God who is full of God's love.
In November 2008, many Israeli pastors together formed an organization called Crystal Forum, and in early September the following year, we successfully held the Israel United Crusade in Jerusalem, with Rev. Lee invited as the speaker. Since then, we've been spreading the gospel by holding Praise Festivals and Commemoration Crusades in public places. These things were unimaginable in the past.
The pastors in Crystal Forum are spreading the holiness gospel in all corners of the world, having the handkerchief on which Rev. Lee prayed (Acts 19:11-12). I am also spreading the gospel on CMTN TV. All these works are done by our Savior Jesus.
Rev. Lee and members of Manmin love Israel whole-heartedly. I love you, too. Merry Christmas!
Haifa_ "My wife and daughter became healthy through the powerful prayers of Rev. Lee"
Pastor Daniel Matiash
We're well aware of Rev. Jaerock Lee's faithfulness and love for the Lord. His 3-year ministry in Israel brought many pastors and churches to an awakening and empowered them. He preached the gospel all over Israel and confirmed that God was with him with the signs that followed. Through his ministry we pastors began to be united and we were given more strength to spread the gospel.
Furthermore, I was having a really hard time because my wife was suffering from cancer. Rev. Lee prayed for my wife every time he came to Israel on a mission, and she recovered remarkably fast. I became a happy man again. My youngest daughter had very bad eyesight since childhood and had to wear very thick eye-glasses. However, after she received prayer from Rev. Lee, her sight got miraculously better, and she doesn't have to wear the glasses any longer.
Rev. Jaerock Lee, I thank you for your unceasing prayers and support for the past 10 years. We are praying in Israel for you and Manmin Central Church just as you and Manmin's members have been praying for us. May the peace of the Lord and blessing of the Christmas be with you! Merry Christmas!