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Letters from overseas: Dr. Myong-Ho Cheong, Nairobi Manmin Holiness Church in Kenya

Manmin News   No. 693
May 9, 2021

“COVID-19 was cured by the prayer with the handkerchief of power.”

Dr. Myong-Ho Cheong putting the handkerchief of power on the cellphone and praying for Dr. Norman who was diagnosed positive for COVID-19.

On Monday, March 22, Deaconess Sylvia Soita of Nairobi Manmin Church came to receive prayer from me with a picture of her younger brother who was infected with COVID-19. I(Dr. Myong-Ho Cheong, Nairobi Manmin Holiness Church) was guided in my heart to tell her to prepare and come at 11 AM on Tuesday to receive prayer.
Deaconess Sylvia Soita is running a small restaurant near our church and she is an exemplary member. She believes in the Almighty God and is delivering the messages of the Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee and the power. She told her younger brother about the ministry of Nairobi Manmin Church in which numerous diseases are healed through prayer with the handkerchief of power(Acts 19:11~12) on which Dr. Jaerock Lee prayed.

Her younger brother, Dr. Norman(age 38, pictured below), was tested positive for COVID-19 on Monday, March 22. He’s running a private hospital in Narok Town that accommodates about 50 patients, and in the process of treating COVID-19-infected patients, he was infected and suffered from fatigue and high fever, ear pain, frequent coughing, and shortness of breath.

Whenever he talked with Deaconess Sylvia on the phone, he said he couldn’t spend 2 minutes without coughing. He was such a bad condition. She once again actively encouraged him to receive prayer and planted faith that he would surely be healed.

At 11 AM on Tuesday, March 23, Deaconess Sylvia came and made a phone call to his brother, Dr. Norman. Before I prayed for him, I first testified that Jesus is our only Savior. Dr. Norman was a Catholic, but he was amazed by the message and asked me about a prayer for salvation.
I made him to pray for repentance, and I prayed for his healing. Right after receiving my prayer, he confessed that the heat and fatigue immediately disappeared from his body and that he came to breathe comfortably.
On the 24(Wed), Dr. Norman called Deaconess Sylvia and told her that he had returned to normal. He never coughed while talking on the phone. And on the 27(Sat), he was tested negative for Covid-19. Hallelujah!
Dr. Norman was very amazed that he was healed through the power of God after receiving prayer with the powerful handkerchief of the Senior Pastor. Moreover, all the symptoms of his four children who also had fever completely disappeared even though only he received the prayer over the phone. He is so grateful and he is passionate to deliver this amazing works of God.

He is now delivering his testimony to people around him that he was healed through the prayer with the powerful handkerchief of the Senior Pastor and the ministry of Nairobi Manmin Holiness Church. On his Facebook and Instagram, he testified to the works of God and that he was healed transcending time and space through the prayer of powerful handkerchief.
Most of all, he was very grateful for receiving prayer for his salvation so that he could become a child of God.
Also, he thanked God for saving him through the prayer of a man of God, while the patient who infected him and many people are dying. In order to plant faith in the hearts of many people through his amazing experience, he hopes to send this story to the public health center in Narok Town, the Health Services in Nairobi, and the best journalists in the country.

Dr. Norman, as a doctor, desires to prove the Word of God through the Nairobi Manmin Church that teaches the holiness gospel, and he confesses that he wants to help many people to be saved. He and his family gave all the glory to God the Father.




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