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Nairobi Manmin Church in Kenya, full of truth and grace

Manmin News   No. 719
June 5, 2022

Nairobi Manmin Church(Ministering pastor: Rev. Myongho Cheong) in Kenya has been helping believers to live a blessed life in Jesus Christ experiencing the works of change and healings as well as conducting active ministry throughout 54 countries in Africa. In last April, it held various events inside and outside the church to glorify God.

MIS lectures waking up pastors and local church events

On April 9 and 10, MIS(Manmin International Theological Seminary) lecture was progressed in Kisii, Africa, and Kisii Manmin Church’s twelfth anniversary celebration service was held.
The Kisii MIS lecture (Photo 1 and 2) held on April 9 was attended by students from the Kisii region, as well as the bishops and pastors. After introducing Manmin ministry through a video, Rev. Myongho Cheong delivered his testimony and the message entitled, ‘Spirit, Soul and Body’ based on the sermons of Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee.
The bishops and pastors who attended for the first time on the day said, “It is regretful that I have preached without knowing this precious word of God,” and registered with the MIS and joined Manmin as a branch church.
On April 10, at the twelfth anniversary celebration service of Kisii Manmin Church (Photo 3 and 4), Rev. Cheong preached on ‘Why is only Jesus our Savior’ under the title of ‘Eternal Life’, and the bishops, pastors, Kisii MIS pastors, and local residents’ representatives attended, adding to the joy of anniversary.

Married couple seminar hosted by Men’s Mission and the dedication service of Women's Mission

On April 3, hosted by Men’s Mission, 27 couples had a meeting with Rev. Myong-ho Cheong(Photo 5).
This event, held to unite couples and achieve complete home evangelization, was conducted first for families whose wives are attending other churches among the members of the Men’s Mission, and it became a time of grace and blessing to become one in Manmin.
Also, on April 24, there was a dedication service prepared by the Women’s Mission with all their heart, mind, and sincerity(Photo 6). The members gave thanks and glory to God for allowing them to be changed with the holiness gospel and the works of the Holy Spirit through the handkerchief of power(Acts 19:11-12) on which the Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee had prayed.

‘Bible Camp’ of the Children’s and Students’ Sunday School

The ‘Bible Camp’ was held at Children’s Sunday School(Photo 7 and 8) from April 12 to 13 and at Students’ Sunday School(Photo 9 and 10) on April 14, respectively. The camp consisted of various programs such as the word of God and praise, seminar, the Holy Spirit prayer meeting, etiquette education, Bible quiz, and talent show.
Especially, at the Children’s Sunday School ‘Talent Show’, Shanton Otieno won the grand prize and drew attention. Shanton had suffered from pernicious anemia since he was three years old, but at the handkerchief meeting held every month, he received a handkerchief prayer of power from Rev. Myong-Ho Cheong, and was completely healed and restored his health.
Meanwhile, at the Students’ Sunday School ‘Talent Show’, student Gloira received the grand prize for a sermon expressing gratitude for Manmin ministry and the message of Dr. Jaerock Lee, entitled, ‘'The Message of the Cross’.




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee