Feature Story - "Uganda Church Leaders' Conference and Crusade with Rev. Jae-Rock Lee"
Manmin News
20031 |
July 30, 2000 |
The Holiness Gospel proclaimed to Africa
A dark continent of despair and death changed to the continent of light, life, and hope
God of love had the Holiness Gospel proclaimed to Uganda, Africa with poverty and illnesses, high illiteracy rate, conflicts between 50 tribes, and perils of frequent rebellion. He helped lots of people solve their problems with power of God. Therefore Rev. Jae-Rock Lee, senior pastor of Manmin Joong-ang Church, led "Uganda Church Leaders' Conference and Crusade" from July 5 to 9 and testified the living God all over the country. A lot of church leaders made spiritual renewal through this conference. Many people got healed of their illnesses or diseases including AIDS and they offered glory to God. Besides, local TV and radio station went remarkable wonders like the blind came to see and the dumb came to speak on air. So it is evaluated as a chance to let the world know that all curses of Africa could be resolved by God the Creator. Anticipating power of God the Creator would be proclaimed to the middle east and Europe as well as Africa and the Holiness Gospel would be spread faster, we would like to deliver related news with Uganda conference and crusade in detail.
1. View of Church Leaders' Conference (International Conference Hall in Kampala) 2. Rev. Jae-Rock Lee preaching in the crusade (Nakivubo Stadium)
The providence of God who had the Holiness Gospel proclaimed to Africa
Uganda is as 1.1 times large as the Korea peninsular and has 21 millions population. The temperature is high temperature and has low humidity. They speak English and Ugandan language. Its religion has Catholicism(30%), Christianity(30%), and Islam(16%). But Islam recently grows so fast that it is demanded for preaching the gospel of Christianity more actively. In addition, Uganda consists of 50 tribes. So it always faces perils of rebellion out of conflicts between tribes. Many local diseases and AIDS have prevailed all over the country and 30% of population are infected with AIDS. God had the Holiness Gospel proclaimed to Uganda with poor political and economic phase according to His providence. The reason why they receive the Holiness Gospel and powerful works as it is that they have so poor heart. Besides, our Lord has a love and dedication's heart. So he meets those who are poor and sick and gives to them grace of God.
1. Rev. Lee preaching in the Church Leaders' Conference 2. Hallelujah Mission giving glory to God with special song and dances in every crusade 3. Rev. Lee welcomed by Jehoash Myanja Nkangi, Minister of Justice and Samuel Rubunda, a Presidential Aide of Religion at the airport
The blessed crusade which God reserved and led
Glory Bello welcoming Rev. Lee
God allowed Rev. Chalse Macom of Tanzania to visit Manmin Joong-ang Church in the early of 1990's and prepared for proclaiming the Holiness Gospel to Africa. Rev. Myung-Ho Cheong was dispatched to Kenya in 1994 and established Manmin Mission Center and has made efforts for African mission since then. This conference and crusade were held by request of Uganda pastors who knew about the successful ministry and church revival of Rev. Jae-Rock Lee through Rev. Myung-Ho Cheong. It was held under the auspices of Arrangement Committee for Uganda Great Crusade and became an object of Ugandan Government and the press' attention. By the way, Glory Bello(Uganda minister dispatched from U.S.A) saw the picture of Rev. Jae-Rock Lee in the crusade poster. She said that Rev. Lee in the picture looked like the person who God had showed her in a dream in 1993. So she knew that he was the servant who God sent to Africa. She told church leaders and Uganda government about it and published the conference and crusade widely. When our mission team looked out the window in the airplane on the way to Africa, surprisingly a circular rainbow put around the shadow of airplane. So we were sure that God would bless the conference and crusade. It rained for 7 days in Uganda. But as soon as our mission team arrived, it stopped raining. All schedules went well in good weather.
Ugandan people welcoming our mission team fervently
Fervent welcome and the attention of the press and Ugandan Government
1. Kampala International Conference Hall where the Church Leaders' Conference was held 2. Marching people for the publicity of the crusade
When Rev. Jae-Rock Lee and his mission team arrived at Enttebe airport on July 4, Jehoash Myanza Nkangi, the minister of Justice, Samuel Rubunda, a Presidential Aide of Religion, members of the National Assembly, and the mayor of Kampala welcomed Rev. Jae-Rock Lee and his mission team. When they went to hotel, many people in the road waved their hands. Besides many press' reporters including Uganda National Broadcasting Station, U-TV and C-TV covered competitively, had a press conference, and reported related news with his arrival. So they showed this conference and crusade took an national attention. In the welcome reception dinner, men of society attended including church leaders. Minister Nkangi said in a welcome address of reception dinner, "I welcome Rev. Jae-Rock Lee and his mission team who came to Uganda far from South Korea in order to preach the words of God. I hope that the Christians mounted up to a third of Ugandan will be full of the Holy Spirit and unbelievers accept Jesus Christ as the savior through Rev. Lee's preaching." More than 3,000 church leaders attended to the Church Leaders' Conference held at the International Conference Center in Kampala from July 5 and 6. Rev. Lee delivered the message under the subject, "the Secret of Church Growth". He took an example of Manmin Joong-ang Church and emphasized that pastors should be loved by God firstly. He also said that church leaders should be alert and pray, act being led by the Holy Spirit with the spiritual faith in everything, follow the Early Church, preach the message of the cross and keep the words of God. Especially, in the last conference, Rev. Lee introduced the powerful works of God which had appeared in Manmin Joong-ang Church showing vivid screens. The attendants were moved so much and offered glory to God with big hands. In addition, after he prayed on the altar, about 150 church leaders got healed of numerous illnesses and diseases in a moment. They testified the work of God and praises Him.