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2002 India Miracle Healing Prayer Festival with Rev. Dr. Jae-Rok Lee

Manmin News  
October 27, 2002

2002 India Church Leaders' Conference & Miracle Healing Prayer Festival with Rev. Dr. JaeRok Lee, was reported all over the world through the world-wide Christian networks of USA, UK, Canada, and many countries!

2002 India Church Leaders' Conference & Miracle Healing Prayer Festival with Rev. Dr. JaeRok Lee ended up successfully with God's innumerable works of salvation and healing.
The Meeting was interviewed through many overseas reporters of India ANI, Russia, Australia and Spain, and was live-broadcasted all over the country in India through Jain TV, SS Music TV, Win TV and Bangalore City Cable TV, and was web-broadcasted through ANS (Assist-ministries News Service, USA), UCB Online(UK) and Canadian Christianity. Here we carried some main articles reporting or broadcasting India Miracle Healing Prayer Festival .

Rev. Lee Emphasized that Praying to idols is Worthless!

The meeting, which was being covered by TV crews from India, Russia, Spain and Australia, and was being web cast live by Manmin TV, began with a series of beautiful worship songs and dances by the colorfully-dressed Manmin Praise team who had learned all of the songs in the local Tamil language. Then, in his sermon, interpreted into English and Tamil, Dr. Lee told the huge crowd that "praying to idols is worthless." He went on to say, "They cannot hear you; only God can hear you.Tonight, if you have the faith, God will do a great miracle in your life." (Reported by ANS in USA, Oct. 11)

Uncountable people, Accepted Jesus Christ and Were Healed!

This extraordinary Korean-led celebration took place despite a restrictive Tamil Nadu - the state with Chennai is located - ordinance forbidding "forced conversions" and also unpredictable weather during the monsoon season. The celebrations for Jesus began on Thursday, October 10, and ended on Sunday, October 13 and this outreach became a huge encouragement to the often-beleaguered Christian community in India. The sick, the lame, the depressed, made their over four evenings to the second largest beach in the world hoping for their miracle and many were not disappointed as tens of thousands received Christ as their Savior and many others were healed after Dr. Lee had prayed for their miracle. (Reported by ANS in USA, Oct. 13)

Total Attendance, Estimated at over 3 millions

According to the Rev. Owen Roberts, chairman of the organizing committee, a total of 1.5 million went on the final night to the beach, the second largest in the world, to attend what is estimated to be the largest Christian crusade in the history of India. In the four nights, local Christians estimate the total attendance at over 3 million people. A local pastor said, "This was the greatest display of God's power that we have ever seen in India." Also extending the outreach by sending live television pictures all over India were Jain TV, Bangalore City Cable TV, SS Music and WIN TV. It is believed that this is the first time that a healing crusade organized by Christians has been broadcast in this way. (Reported by ANS in USA, Oct. 20)

The City of Chennai, Was shaken!

Rev. Owen Roberts said, as he watched thousands walking without crutches and wheelchairs and blind and deaf people crying out that had been healed, "This city of Chennai is being blessed by God and we expect more miracles to occur in the days to come. Many people who came in wheelchairs got healed and they are walking right now and we have still two more days to go and God is going to do wonderful things in our city." He added, "This city is being shaken by the power of God." When asked if he had been afraid that the controversial Tamil Nadu ordinance that had recently been issued might have halted the crusade, Rev. Roberts said, "No, it cannot stop the crusade. The ordinance is just against forceful conversion; it's not against conversion. So this is no problem and so we will still have our crusade and still do our ministry and the only thing we have to do afterwards is we have to get an affidavit from the people from the other faiths who want to get baptized.
We then have to report their case to the magistrate who then submits it through to the government. We cannot force people to become Christians. So we not bothered about this audience as we never force people to get saved, we just preach the Gospel and we know according to Romans 1: 16, the Gospel is the power of God until salvation to everyone who believes. "And many have believed so far at this wonderful crusade." After the service, Dr. Lee said in an interview, "I am so grateful to God because so many people have gathered together and He has healed so many people. God our Father is very pleased with this event and He even God controlled the weather." (Reported by UCB of UK, Oct. 21)

Rev. Lee, Requested to hold a great Christian meeting by many overseas attendances including Dubai guests !

The Rev. Nikitin, president of the Association of Christian Churches in Russia, also issued an invitation to Dr. Lee to hold a healing crusade in St. Petersburg, Russia. Dr. Lee said he would pray about this. On a previous night, Mahesh Manoharan, an elder of the King's Revival Church International, Dubai, said that he is hoping that Dr. Lee will hold a healing crusade in his country next March. Mr. Manoharan, who is an elder of the church which has 3,000 members with services in seven languages, said, "I was an Hindu for 40 years and the God touched me and changed my life. I look forward to organizing Dr. Lee's crusade in Dubai." In an interview he said, "I believe he will be well received in Dubai. I am sure that the miracles we have seen, he will be able to convince the churches there to give their full support and it will be a marvelous crusade and a revival for Dubai."




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