The United Holiness Church of Korea has 3,800 branch churches
Manmin News
11284 |
October 09, 2005 |
Manmin Joong-ang Church has taken the lead in national evangelization and a world mission since its founding in 1982 and now the United Holiness Church of Korea it belongs to has 3,800 branch churches. Every branch church of Manmin focuses on spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ and God the Creator and expanding the kingdom of God with Rev. Dr. Lee's anointed messages and powerful signs. He conducted the first Great Crusade in Uganda in 2000, and many crusades have followed since then with hundreds of thousands to millions of people in Pakistan, Kenya, the Philippines, Honduras, India, Russia, Germany, and Peru attending. In addition, Manmin Joong-ang Church has powerfully accomplished world mission through books, newspapers, magazines, and broadcast ministry. The church has sent dozens of missionaries out into the world. They are conducting healing crusades with the handkerchiefs Rev. Dr. Lee prayed on. And through the United Holiness Theological Seminary and Manmin International Seminary many spiritual workers are trained so that they can take charge of the Great Commission. It has 3,296 branch churches in Africa including Kenya, Uganda, Burundi, Congo DR, Tanzania, Botswana, and Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast). There are 349 churches in Asia and Middle East including Japan, China, Pakistan, Indonesia, the Philippines, Taiwan, Mongolia, and India. 18 churches are in the America's including the United States, Canada, Honduras, Argentina, Peru, and El Salvador. There are 17 churches in Europe including France, Russia, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, and UK; and 35 churches in Korea.
Caption: Manmin Branch Churches World-wide
Netherlands - 1 UK - 2 Germany - 5 France - 1 Belgium - 2 Middle East - 70 Africa - 3,296 Russia - 6 Pakistan - 14 India - 178 China - 70 Mongolia - 1 Taiwan - 2 Indonesia - 2 Japan - 10 Philippines - 3 Canada - 1 United States - 3 Honduras - 5 El Salvador - 1 Peru - 6 Argentina - 2 Korea - 35