The 3rd Anniversary of GCN - Spearheading the Mission of the 21st Century
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November 2, 2008 |
Multi media has formed a really global village, and the roles of broadcasting media including radio, TV and the Internet are being emphasized more and more. Manmin Central Church founded Manmin TV in January 2000, for the purpose of fulfilling the Great Commission of Jesus Christ recorded in Mark 16:15 saying, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation" by the broadcasting media.
Manmin TV, since it was founded as an Internet broadcasting station, has cooperated with many world-famous Christian broadcasting stations by attending NRB (National Religious Broadcasters), FEB (Fellowship of European Broadcasters) and COICOM (Ibero-American Confederation of Christian Communicators and Mass Media), and networked the world by broadcasting Dr. Jaerock Lee's crusades.
Global Christian Network Was Organized
In May 2004, Global Christian Network was organized with 8 broadcasters from United States, United Kingdom, Honduras, Guatemala, Russia, Australia, and Spain to spread the love of God, the gospel of Jesus Christ and fiery works of the Holy Spirit to all the corners of the earth. GCN has aimed at producing a very high quality of Christian programming with the up-to-dated broadcasting technology, distributing those unique programs to as many world-renowned broadcasters as well as to local broadcasters. The headquarters of GCN is located in the city of Atlanta, Georgia, USA and since it was launched on October 10, 2005, it has become a Christian broadcasting station to spread the true life to the whole world.
Coverage of GCN and Manmin TV
GCN's programs produced at Manmin TV are broadcasts 24 hours in Asia, Africa, Europe and Middle East through the satellites – NSS6, ABS1, and THAICOM5 and also through 86 cable televisions in the Philippines.
Manmin TV programs are also broadcast on the over-the-air TV Channel 17 in New York and to North America through the Glorystar satellite with the 40 percentage of GCN programming. And Manmin TV programs produced into Russian are broadcast to Russia, Europe, Asia, North America, and Israel through RBN Rodnoy and TBN-Russia.
Moreover, these programs are broadcast on the Holy God TV of France, Alfa Omega TV of Romania and Love World TV in Europe and JC TV of Pakistan, and Angel TV of India. And, through En Lace TV, JBN TV of Honduras, CH 17 and CH 67 and Cristo Vision of Costa Rica have broadcast Manmin TV's programs to many countries of Central and South Americas.
In Africa, Manmin TV's programs are broadcast by the nation-run TV Digital Congo and a Christian TV RTDV. Finally, since the September of 2008, Washington Christian Radio System broadcasts life-filled messages preached by Dr. Jaerock Lee. Thus, GCN and Manmin TV are spearheading in accomplishing the Great Commission of Jesus Christ.
People who Love GCN
"I was volunteering at a hospital and taking care of a 98-year-old woman named "Anna Doria." She was suffering Alzheimer's disease. I helped her listen to Dr. Jaerock Lee's messages and receive his prayer for the sick on GCN. Through the prayer she has been getting well. Her doctor was surprised and couldn't explain what had happened to her." (Malina Stoianoviky, Long Isalnd, New York, USA) "I have recently listened to the messages of Dr. Jaerock Lee on CH 25. I was so touched by the freshness of his message. I felt the power and truth in his message. The inspiration made me write this letter.' (Carlos Enrice Ropez Goches, El Salvador) Through GCN and Manmin TV countless people have accepted Jesus Christ and been transformed in their lives and received the healing and blessing. When the viewers listen to the message and receive the prayer by faith, God's healing and blessing are happening to them transcending the limitation of time and space.
Excellence of Manmin TV's Programs for the Global Mission
Manmin TV has been providing various and excellent programs to GCN of USA and many broadcasters all over the world; "Words of Life" consisting of the messages preached by Dr. Jaerock Lee, "GCN Power Praise" that are favored by countless viewers, "Overseas United Crusades" testifying to various healing works of God and revealing His glory, "Beautiful World Beautiful Story" handling a variety of commonplace but touching stories happening around us, and "Daniel Prayer Meeting." It covers many kinds of programming – sermon, praises, power of God, ministry, testimonies, prayer, and the like.
Manmin TV has produced various but unique programming and distributing it to as many broadcasters not only at home but also outdoors – satellite TV, Cable TV, Aired TV, IP TV and the Internet. It is networking many world-famous broadcasting stations so that anyone can watch Manmin TV's programs anywhere.
Manmin TV has began to produce, distribute and upload many programs translated and dubbed into many languages, and transplanted the latest technology into this media mission and spearheaded the world evangelization as a worldwide Christian broadcasting station.
Manmin Central Church has prayed for world mission since it was founded, and by two main strategies – broadcasting ministry and book ministry, it has awakened countless souls and fulfilled the desire of God who wants everyone to be saved and reach the knowledge of truth.