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[2009: A Year of Blessings] 2008-2009 New Year's Service, Annual Meeting, 2009 Opening Ceremony

Manmin News   No. 136
January 25, 2009

Annual Meeting and Presentations of Plaques of Recognition & Plaques of Appreciation

The Annual Meeting took place in the Main Sanctuary following the Evening Service on Sunday, December 2008, with Dr. Jaerock Lee as Chairman. The Meeting featured petitions for ordination of pastors in Year 2009; a resolution on candidates for elders; the final report on the 2008 Financial Activities; deliberations of the budget for the Year 2009; and presentations of Plaques of Recognition and Plaques of Appreciation.
The Plaques of Recognition were presented to Assistant Pastor Rev. Heejin Lee and to Latin America Rev. Lazarus Lee, while the Plaques of Appreciation were awarded to Senior Pastor Rev. Peter Kim of Kinshasa Manmin Church in the Democratic Republic of the Congo; Deacon Yoon-Seok Chae, President of the World Christian Doctors Network (WCDN); and Senior Deaconess Song-Duk Lee, who has striven for revival of districts and donation of rice.

2008-2009 New Year's Service

The New Year's Service took place at 11 p.m. on Wednesday, December 31, 2008.
During the first part of the interdenominational service carried live via the NSS-6 and ThaiCom5 satellites as well as on the Internet, Dr. Jaerock Lee proclaimed a message entitled "Blessings" (Deuteronomy 28:1-6).
In the second part, each member of Manmin Central Church filled out his or her 3 prayer topics for Year 2009, in addition to the four Churchwide Prayer Topics "Blessings" (Deuteronomy 28:1-6); "Outstanding Church" (Deuteronomy 28:10); "The Sanctuary" (Exodus 36:2-7; 1 Chronicles 22:1-5); and "The Power of Father God" (Genesis 1:1), and received Dr. Jaerock Lee's benediction for them.
During the third part of the service, members of the Performing Arts Committee glorified God with praising, dancing, worship, and instrumental performances themed after the four Church-wide Prayer Topics.
Manmin members looked back on 2008, dedicated to God their first hours of 2009, and blessed one another in great expectations and hope.

2009 Opening Ceremony: Resolve to Achieve Revival and Sanctification

"The 2009 Opening Ceremony" took place in the Main Sanctuary at 10 a.m. on Friday, January 2, 2009, with 616 pastors, branch church pastors, and church workers in attendance.
Basing his message on Isaiah 60:1-3, Dr. Jaerock Lee encouraged each participant to "make 2009, a steppingstone year, to more quickly take after the Lord, enter spirit and whole spirit, and move forward with the vision of making the entire world a Manmin district."




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee