A successful person tends to have a positive mindset. They usually overcome hardship with their positive mindset and efforts. In the same condition, success or failure depends on the mindset of each one. ...
Let's Keep Our Promise
Manmin News
February 7, 2013
Some people change their mind and abandon following the right way, while some others never change in going the right way, so they are respected by many people. To possess the heart to follow the right way steadfastly and never to change your mind, it is very important for you to abide by even a single word coming from your mouth. This is the same to those who are often late for appointments. They often say, "I am late because of the traffic jam," but if they think of that matter and prepare early, they can keep their promises. When we keep the promises we have made with ourselves and others, we can achieve our goals more quickly and enjoy peaceful fellowship with anybody.