A successful person tends to have a positive mindset. They usually overcome hardship with their positive mindset and efforts. In the same condition, success or failure depends on the mindset of each one. ...
Let's Look up into the Sky
Manmin News
October 25, 2014
How many times a day do you look up at the sky? We can see it just by raising our heads, so why is it that we are so busy that we don't look up? God created man to walk on two legs and gave him a neck that makes it easy to look up at the sky. We are able to look up at the sky that spreads limitlessly and feel God the Creator just by lifting up our heads! It is just one of the things that make us different from animals on four legs that look at the ground in search of food or prey. What's more, God made the sky blue so we can feel peace and sense eternity with a desire to live a pure life (Ecclesiastes 3:11).