A successful person tends to have a positive mindset. They usually overcome hardship with their positive mindset and efforts. In the same condition, success or failure depends on the mindset of each one. ...
The significance of "The Smallest Things" - Hankook Ilbo [The Way]
Manmin News
December 12, 2008
After finishing a long walk across the desert sands the traveler was asked by reporters, "Was the most painful part of your trip across endless desert sands the scorching sun and lonely walking on the waterless sands?" He answered the reporters, "No. What continuously caused me pain and made my trip most difficult was, above all else, the individual grains of sand that got in my sandals." In our lives something that seems to be so small can have profound influence. Just as a short rudder steers a large ship, a single word can decide fortune or misfortune in one뭩 life and an invisibly small good deed can save a life of another person. So I hope you may not fail to be careful about the smallest of things in life.