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October 25, 2009 |
"Now it shall be, if you diligently obey the LORD your God, being careful to do all His commandments which I command you today, the LORD your God will set you high above all the nations of the earth. Blessed shall you be when you come in, and blessed shall you be when you go out" (Deuteronomy 28:1-6).
In today's message, looking back at all the blessings God has given us for the last 27 years, I want to give all glory to God. God blesses us according to His justice. When we obey His commandments and live by His word, God can give us blessings.
1. The Blessing of Prosperity in the Spirit and Soul
The people of the world say that the blessing of health is the best blessing, while others say it is long life. However, above all, the Bible says that the greatest blessing is "the blessing of your spirit and soul to be prosperous." This is because everything else prospers, including your health, when your spirit and soul prosper (3 John 1:2). For a person whose soul is well, there is a correct order between his spirit and soul. In other words, his spirit is the master, and his soul is obedient to his spirit. For a person whose soul is well, his spirit is united as one with the Holy Spirit, and so he can be easily guided by the Holy Spirit. Even when the guidance of the Holy Spirit seems unrealistic, the soul does not react negatively. This is because as the spirit becomes the master of his soul, the person comes to have only thoughts of faith that is spiritual and positive. In the heart of the spirit that plays the role of the master, there is strong assurance that at the end of the road of truth, God has prepared the best for us. Eventually, he receives eternal life and receives physical blessings while being on earth as well. Up until this 27th anniversary, God has led our church by focusing on making each of our souls to prosper. God the Father has refined and strengthened our faiths until it reached the level that He wants them to be at. At times He allowed us to undergo trials; and at other times He showed us the spiritual realm. In various ways, God made us reach new levels of the spirit. And thus, our faiths have grown, and we have become the proper workers whom God the Father can use. Therefore, the blessing of our soul to prosper is truly the most precious blessing that God the Father gave to our church.
2. Becoming a Church that Is Outstanding
God the Father has been with this church since its founding. And He has gradually raised the prestige of this church. He didn't do this unconditionally just because He has a special love for this church. He made sure that this church came up to this level step by step, according to His perfect justice. Whenever we upheld His will, completely obeyed, and gave glory to God, God glorified us in Himself (John 13:32). Such was the case with the 2009 Israel United Crusade—"2009 International Multicultural Festival in Jerusalem" which was held in Israel this past September. Israel is a nation where the actual influential power over the nation is possessed by orthodox Jews who don't admit that the Lord Jesus is the Savior. It is difficult to find a cross in Israel, and no one can boldly say that he believes in Jesus Christ. In addition, people are not allowed to preach about Jesus Christ; even in a public Christian event. However, I was able to manage our ministry in that land of Israel for three years. From the far north to the far south, I preached that Jesus is the Christ, and manifested the power of God in the name of Jesus Christ. As a final fruit of the ministry, I was able to preach courageously about God the Creator and Jesus Christ in the city of Jerusalem, at the heart of Israel. Furthermore, I was able to prove what I preached with God's signs and wonders. The festival was broadcast live or recorded and rebroadcast to over 220 countries through 33 broadcasting channels. We greatly manifested the glory of God the Father and of the Lord.
3. Power of the Shepherd.
"The power of God" is the power of authority from God who can do anything. Therefore, if the power is given to you, you can receive God's answer to all the hopes of your heart. In other words, the power is the key to opening the all-around blessing box. Various diseases can be healed, and even the weather can be controlled by the works of God's power. It can set people free from poverty, and move the hearts of men. The blessings come upon all the fields of life (Deuteronomy 28:3-5). Such works of God's power are not only happening in this church alone, but all over the world as well. The work of God's power that transcends time and space is taking place for those who are united with us in faith no matter where they are in the world. During the 2009 Israel United Crusade, those who watched the crusade from different parts of the world received healings and answers to their prayers at the same time. In addition, this church receives countless prayer requests from every part of the world every week. I pray for them publically during Friday Service or Sunday Service from the altar. After I pray, in a week or two, we receive countless letters from people stating that they have received the answers to their prayers. Like this, the power that God has given to this church now has great influence in the world. The world will desperately need the power of God ever more. In the condition that our world is in today, what a great blessing it is that God has given such an amazing power to this church! Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, God doesn't give us this blessing only for our benefit. He gives this blessing for the countless dying souls in the world. Therefore, we should be able to use the blessing that we have received to preach the gospel to more souls of this world.
The above message is a summary of the sermon preached during the Friday all-night service on October 9. If you want to read this message in more detail, visit the Manmin Central Church website (www. and click on "sermon."