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“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased.” (Luke 2:14) ...

The Early Church

Manmin News   No. 193
July 25, 2010

"Everyone kept feeling a sense of awe; and many wonders and signs were taking place through the apostles. And all those who had believed were together and had all things in common; and they began selling their property and possessions and were sharing them with all, as anyone might have need. Day by day continuing with one mind in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they were taking their meals together with gladness and sincerity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord was adding to their number day by day those who were being saved." (Acts 2:43-47)

The church ministry started after the Lord ascended into Heaven and the Holy Spirit descended. The apostle Peter established a church in Jerusalem, so-called the early church, and by his preaching thousands of people returned to the Lord at a time. The early church overcame severe persecutions and made explosive revivals. The early church played such a vital part in spreading the gospel to all Judea and Samaria and to Rome and the whole world. What is the early church like?

First, many wonders and signs were taking place through the apostles.

'Signs' refer to the things that are impossible with human abilities and knowledge but are manifested by the almighty power of God. 'Wonders' refer to the manifestations of God's power concerning the changes of weather or aerial phenomena. When unbelievers or new believers see wonders and signs, they come to believe in God and raise their faith. The signs and wonders are more necessary in this end time of the world in which science and knowledge are advanced, and sins and evils are rampant.
'Apostles' refer to those who do not have their own will, but completely serve and obey the will of their master with all their hearts and fulfill the master's will completely as a perfect imitator of the master. In this sense, the 'apostles of the Lord' refer to the Lord's servants who become wholly sanctified, accomplished the Lord's heart and are fulfilling the will of God like the Lord did. They are in the recognition and favor of God, so they can receive power from God and manifest God's powerful works.
How amazing if God's servants who minister to the churches have the same qualifications that the apostles of the Lord had? Since the founding of Manmin Church, many wonders and signs have been taking place to this day. The lame came to get up and walk, the blind to see, the mute to speak, and the deaf to hear. People were healed of all kinds of diseases including cancers, lung diseases, leukemia, and AIDS. Short legs were lengthened, dead cells and tissues were revived, ruptured bones were made whole, and many other healing miracles have been manifested.

Second, they had all things in common and shared their property and possessions with all others.

Today's Scripture shows us how abundant spiritual love was between the believers of the early church. The believers in Jesus Christ are brothers and sisters in Him who are bought by the blood of the Lord, so none of them insist on their own possessions. The believers of the early church practiced the Lord's love in deed and in truth. They really obeyed the commandment telling us "to love your neighbors as yourselves." Some believers of the early church had firsthand witnessed the resurrected Lord, and they had fervent hope for the kingdom of Heaven. They had no desire to build up their possessions and property, so that they sold theirs and shared them with other poor believers and had all things in common.
In our time selfishness and materialism are becoming rampant. It is not easy to find such believers as those in the early church. But, believers of Manmin Central Church have tried their best to take after a good example of the early church. Sharing all their possessions and properties with all and having all things in common did not belong only to physical needs. But they shared their hearts with one another. They didn't insist on their personal opinions but respected and accepted the others'. There was no conflict or dispute between believers. Peace between believers leads them to see church revivals.

Third, they gathered at the temple with one mind day by day.

The believers of the early church diligently heard and learned the Word of God according to the teachings of the apostles of the Lord. They tried their best to practice the Word of God and always watched and prayed. They gathered at the temple of God day by day. In the same way, the believers of Manmin Central Church have gathered day by day at the church since the church was founded, and worshiped God at the Sunday morning service, Sunday evening service, Wednesday service, Friday all-night service, Tuesday young people's praise service, Saturday students praise service, Friday cell service, and daily dawn service, and also prayed at Daniel Prayer Meeting every night.
Through those gatherings, they have come to arm themselves with the Word of God and understand His will. Because they fervently pray and receive strength, they can live by His Word with the strength. As much as they evangelize, render services and carry out their God-given duties, they store up their heavenly rewards.
Unfortunately, many churches are gradually reducing their gatherings. Some churches abolish daily dawn service. But it is required that believers in the Lord should not cool down their fervor and zeal for the Lord or abolish the gatherings of faith (Hebrews 10:24-25).

Fourth, they praised God and had favor with all the people.

Praising God means that they rejoiced always and gave thanks in everything. Because they were full of the hope for Heaven, they could rejoice and give thanks, and praise God. Because they spread the fragrance of the Christ, they gained favor and praise with many people around them and God sent many souls to their churches.
If a believer in Christ spreads a sweet fragrance of the Christ, people around him praises him, saying, "He is a real Christian. I want to believe in God, too." Then, the gospel he is spreading is planted into their hearts, and God leads many of them to the church, and thus God is glorified.
Therefore, when we take after the example of the early church according to the will of God, God is pleased and blesses us with amazing revivals.




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee