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“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased.” (Luke 2:14) ...

The Children Glorifying God

Manmin News   No. 220
January 30, 2011

"Let us draw near with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water." (Hebrews 10:22)

When God called Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt and to guide them to the Canaan Land, He commanded that they should serve the LORD God, and give Him the offerings of sacrifices. The act of worshiping and giving sacrifices to God is the expression that acknowledges the fact that the LORD God is the true God who is above all gods. It is to glorify God.
The sacrifice that glorifies God is the sacrifice of blood. A sacrifice of blood is a life in which you cast off sins to the point of shedding blood and serve God with all your strength. Among the sacrifices of blood, the perfect sacrifice is the life itself that God's children, who have accomplished true heart and perfect faith, offer up to God.
God is glorified and expanding His kingdom through these children. What then should you do in order to come forth as the children who are worthy of giving glorify to God and serving Him?

First, you should accomplish a true heart and perfect faith.

A true heart is the truthful heart that has no falsehood. It is a clean heart that has no evil. The pure gold that is completely refined does not change in its character even with the passage of time, nor does it change because of a change of its shape. In the same way, those who have true hearts will not change their minds even though their circumstances or situations change. They love God with unchanging hearts, and dwell in the light and act in goodness.
Perfect faith is the faith that has reached the full measure of the Christ. It is not just some great faith or faith that has grown up to some extent. It is the perfect and pure faith with which you believe in God completely, without even a one-in-a-million chance of doubt.
At the time of the Exodus the sons of Israel were in the group of people that was led by Moses, but not all of them were God's people. Many of them caused God's anger to be aroused and eventually could not go into the Land of Canaan. Twelve spies were selected from each of the tribes, but except Joshua and Caleb, they could not go into the Land of Canaan either. It is because the others did not have spiritual faith. In the process of going into the Canaan Land, these chaff-like people were automatically 'separated from the wheat'.
In this church, too, the wheat and the chaff, and spiritual workers and fleshly workers were separated from each other. But because God did not want to lose even just one soul, He showed us overflowing mercy and compassion each time.
God waited for those slow souls hoping for them to become precious workers. In every matter God gave them understanding and grace, and He showed them the way by teaching them what kind of attitude they must have. So, now, many of them have gotten back on the track and are at full throttle to accomplish true hearts and perfect faith.

Secondly, you should overcome any kind of trial with thanksgiving and joy.

The sons of Israel did not become God's elect in a day, but they came forth as God's chosen ones after a long series of trials. They were enslaved in Egypt. Even after the Exodus from Egypt under the guidance of Moses, they received many trials in the wilderness.
Many of them fell away in this process. There were Korah and his people who stood against Moses, those who worshipped idols and committed adultery and died; and the 10 spies and all the first generation of the Exodus who could not show any faith right before the Canaan Land, wandered around in the wilderness for 40 years and died. On the contrary, there were those souls who followed the guidance of God even though it was hard. They were not righteous and perfect from the beginning. But, as a result of God's guidance and refinement they came forth as God's children who were well refined. They became men of God and true people of God who were set apart as instruments to fulfill God's will and plan.
When you want to stay among the select and within the boundary of salvation, you might have to go through trials that are like a fiery furnace. You have to struggle against sins to the point of shedding blood and die every day. Moreover, if you are leaders in the church, you might have to face even more severe trials. But those who really want to possess true hearts and perfect faith will rejoice in any kind of situation. Trials are the shortcut for you to accomplish true hearts and perfect faith. If you successfully pass through those trials with joy and thanksgiving, then you will move one step closer to accomplishing a true heart and having perfect faith. When you receive affliction that was not brought about as a consequence of your action, if you endure it with goodness and give thanks, then the trust between you and God will become even firmer.

Thirdly, you have to try to practice the truth with your own effort.

Of course accomplishing a true heart and gaining perfect faith can be done only through the grace and strength of God and the help of the Holy Spirit. Especially, in this world going towards the end that is so full of sins, it is not easy to find your own evil and cast it away. That is why God is leading us and refining us Himself.
Therefore, to cultivate true hearts and perfect faith, we have to rely on God completely. But this does not mean your effort is not important. You have to do your part. You continually have to try to realize your 'self' and change it, and to live within the word of God.
Especially, if you have turned away from sins leading to death, you have to cut off the lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and the boastful pride of life that causes such sins and cast them away from your heart. Then, you have to fill your heart with the word, praises, and hope of the heavenly kingdom.
Whenever God lets you realize your shortcomings, I hope you will try your best on your part to change yourself.




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