The Holy Spirit who Teaches Us All Things
11415 |
March 06, 2011 |
"But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and you all know." (1 John 2:20)
If we come to know the truth, we will receive the Holy Spirit and have an anointing from Him. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit and the Heart of God. John 14:26 says, "But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you." What does the Holy Spirit teach us specifically?
First, He lets us know that we are God's children.
Romans 8:16 says, "The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God." In other words, the Holy Spirit testifies that Jesus Christ is our Savior and we ourselves are God's children who received salvation. He also helps us understand various works recorded in the Bible beyond human comprehension and He helps us believe in them. It is not easy for human to understand that God has existed from everlasting to everlasting and created the heavens and the earth with His words. The Bible describes that the dead revived, the sun and the moon stood still, and waters in the sea were divided by the power of God. Such works do not agree with human's thoughts. However, the Holy Spirit helps us believe that they are true and authentic.
Second, He lets us come to know about sin, righteousness, and judgment.
The Holy Spirit instructs us about what sin and righteousness are and lets us realize there is judgment at the end of time. Through Him, we can realize that God's children should cast off sins and live in righteousness. In every moment, He moves our hearts helping us hear His voice so that we can put the truth into practice. He teaches us kindly saying "Do not hate others just because something they do isn't acceptable to you", "Do not cease praying no matter how busy you are", and "Do not lie for your benefit". Our heart will keep being filled with the Holy Spirit if we obey what He teaches us and live according to the desire of the Holy Spirit. By doing so, we will offer joy and thanks to God and bear the fruit of the Spirit. On the other hand, if we do not obey His Words, He will intercede for us with groaning too deep for words and He will teach us that we have to repent and turn back from sins. But if we continue to disobey His Word He will stop teaching us. His voice will get fainter and eventually we won't even be able to hear His voice any more. To make the matters worse, if we disobey His voice over and over again and live in sins, the Spirit will be quenched in our heart and salvation will be far from us. However, if we keep obeying His words, we will hear His voice more clearly over time. Then, we will be able to discern between truth and untruth and He will guide us in every aspect of our lives. Of course, when our heart is filled with untruth, we cannot obey what He teaches us to do. This is because in our heart there is a battle between the desires of the Holy Spirit and the desire to commit sins. In such a case, the Holy Spirit will help us. When we seek the strength and grace of God by meditating on the Word of God day and night, praying, and fasting, He will not only let us realize the truth, but He will also give us the strength to put it into practice.
Third, He will show us the way of blessings in our lives..
When we acknowledge God in all our ways, pray all the time, and commit our works to Him, we will receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit on every occasion. For example, God taught David whether he should fight with the enemy or not fight. He even let him know the military tactics for the fight in detail. Apostle Paul received the guidance of the Holy Spirit who taught him where to go and what to happen there. Likewise, the Holy Spirit will teach us all things to the extent that we rely on God and live in truth. For instance, when you preach the gospel, visit brothers and sisters in Christ, or pray for them, the Holy Spirit lets you come up with the Words that they need to hear. Moreover, it is very easy for you to receive financial blessings in your workplace or business as long as you receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit. In other words, the Holy Spirit dwells in your heart and teaches you all things acting like a private tutor for each one of you. He will also make your paths straight by helping you understand the spiritual realm and truth. Therefore, no one can deceive those who are taught by the Holy Spirit. Let's say that one tells you that you can go to Heaven just by leading a life of goodness even if you do not believe in Christ. Then, what shall the Holy Spirit teach you? He will remind you of the Bible verse recorded in Acts 4:12 saying "And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved." Let's suppose another person tries to deceive you saying that "even if you live in sins as long as you accept Jesus Christ as your Savior, you will receive salvation. Thus, you do not need to try so hard to cast away every form of sin and evil." But then, the Holy Spirit instantly teaches you a proper response. That is, He will remind us of Matthew 7:21 saying "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter." However, even if a specific Bible verse is not brought to mind, those who pray can discern between what is right and wrong. When a person is telling you something that is not true, you will feel distressed because the Holy Spirit is not pleased. Likewise, those who receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit will be able to know all things through His voice and guidance. Therefore, I pray you may have an anointing from the Holy Spirit and know all things through His guidance and then lead a proper Christian life being on the alert so that you will not be misled by authority of darkness.